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February 16th, 2023

How choosing LSE has been paying off


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


February 16th, 2023

How choosing LSE has been paying off


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

A lot of thinking goes into making up one’s mind about taking on a new master’s programme. Some people see it as an academic endeavour, others might take it as a mid to long-term professional investment. So there’s certainly a lot of pressure involved in trying to make the right choice. Finding the right balance between what one might reap from a master’s programme and the amount of resources they are willing to dispose of to enrol in it can be overwhelming. At least it was for me.

Upon receiving my unconditional offer from LSE, I knew I stood before a life-changing decision. At that point, I could either choose to defer the offer and forever wonder about what could’ve been of me if I had taken it, or I could choose to see it for myself and accept it. I went with the latter and, after only a few months at LSE, I could not be more certain that I made the right call.

If my biggest concern was to whether LSE would meet my academic expectations, the School’s staff and faculty members have proven indispensable to ease my nerves in that regard. Courses are structured in such a manner that students are enabled to engage with a wide range of subjects that they’re particularly interested in at their own pace and will. Lectures are given by professors who are references in their field of expertise and seminars are a great space to share insight and dive deeper into specific topics. And the best part is that all class convenors at LSE are always an email or an office hour away from a one-on-one conversation with students.

On the other hand, if I was once worried about career opportunities or professional development during my time at LSE, these concerns have already been put to rest. I have rapidly realised that LSE provides all of its students with several learning resources, networking events and platforms to boost employability prospects if that’s what you wish to gain during your time here. Different workshops are provided on a regular basis to help students develop digital skills and research abilities that are much appreciated in the job market. LSE Students’ Union Societies are also a great place to meet like-minded people with whom to exchange expectations and experiences within particular professional sectors.

On top of all that, LSE is also a great place for one to develop on a personal level. The vibrant international community of which the School is made of is a good example of how much students can learn even outside of a classroom environment. LSE’s public lectures are also evidence to the array of opportunities that students have to familiarise themselves with topics outside of their comfort zone or immediate area of interest. And all of these resources are a great way to encourage students to keep pushing themselves forward in ways that they might’ve not even known to be possible. 

LSE is proving everyday to be the perfect place to be both exposed to new challenges and to develop the skills set necessary to overcome these challenges. And this is only possible due to the safety net provided by LSE in order to support students with mental health initiatives, resources, and sensitivity to such issues. All to make sure that students are meeting their full potential in ways that are meaningful to them on different levels. 

So, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the anxieties addressed here – all of which I have personally gone trough – were somewhat relatable to you. After all, I too have thought deeply about wether LSE would be a good place for me. Now, as an LSE master’s student, I wish I had known that all I needed to have asked myself was if I was ready and willing to sign up for the most intense and rewarding opportunity of my life. So maybe you should just ask yourself that if you’re still in doubt about applying to LSE. If your answer to this question is affirmative, you just might be about to embark on what can easily be one of the best years of your life. 

About the author


Matheus Almeida is a master’s student, studying Media and Communications (Data and Society) with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations. Born and raised in the Brazilian state of Bahia. Highly interested in social media infrastructures and data applications. Main hobbies are dancing, partying, and dancing in parties as if nobody is watching.

Posted In: Applying: Masters

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