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June 5th, 2023

Make LSE your first choice!


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


June 5th, 2023

Make LSE your first choice!


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

It’s this time of the year when many students are receiving the last few of their university offers and must make a crucial decision regarding which university they should choose as their first option. While there are many factors to consider including your course, location or accommodation, firming LSE was one of the best decisions I could have made, and I am extremely grateful I decided to pursue my degree here. As one of the best social science institutions in the world, located in the heart of London, LSE is an amazing university and below I present the reasons why you should choose to study here and firm it on UCAS too!

Firstly, as a social science university, LSE is a very specialised place, ideal for people passionate about social sciences, learning and research. It is home to renowned academics and provides many unique resources available for students. LSE has an amazing international reputation both in academia and the workplace. Many of its courses such as BSc Economics, or LLB in Laws, are one of the best around the world, and will apply you with incomparable knowledge and skills!

One of my favourite things about LSE and a reason you should firm it’s its impressive diversity. With around 70% of international students, LSE is home to people from all around the world. You’ll be able to make friends from different nationalities, interact with distinct cultures and grow as a person. Furthermore, the professors are also diverse, coming from various academic backgrounds, which allows you to learn about different approaches to some of the world’s most pressing issues. The quality of learning is exquisite, and the curriculum is also remarkably diverse as the university takes great care to make it as representative as possible. As an international student, the diverse aspect of LSE made the experience of moving abroad and starting university in a new country more enjoyable, as I could sympathise with many students in the same position. I also enjoyed a few of my law lectures, in which the professors raised the issues of discrimination and diversity in the justice system, which widened my perspective and made me a more knowledgeable global citizen.

A strong reason why you should firm with LSE is the amazing academic community that the university has, and its beautiful campus located in the heart of central London, next to some of the best financial, political and legal institutions. Before coming here, I was nervous about finding a community and making new friends, since as an international student I didn’t know anyone in London. But at LSE I managed to meet incredibly supportive and inspiring people that I now consider some of my best friends. Pursuing a degree at LSE made me a part of a  community of open-minded people, who are truly invested in current affairs and are curious about the world. The community is also small compared to other UK universities, which means after a few months you’ll see a lot of familiar faces around campus. Furthermore, thanks to the various common areas and facilities, the LSE campus encourages bonding between students and academics and facilitates a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

Lastly, the thing that makes LSE an exceptional university is the vast number of opportunities it offers for everyone. LSE Careers, as well as many career-oriented student societies, offer amazing advice, workshops, or networking events that are incredibly beneficial for your plans and career prospects. Furthermore, the LSE Volunteer Centre offers many amazing opportunities to get involved with charities, NGOs and other organisations that can help you develop your skills, interact with people, and build your experience while you grow as a person. Aside from that, the LSE Students’ Union with hundreds of societies and sports clubs offers a friendly space for students to interact and pursue their passions, both academic, creative, or athletic and there is truly something for everyone. Your university experience is what you make of it, and there is no better place than LSE to develop your interests and take advantage of all opportunities awaiting.

About the author


My name is Zosia, and I am a first-year undergraduate student at LSE, studying LLB in Laws. I am an international student from Poland, and my passions include reading, writing, travelling and participating in all kinds of sports.

Posted In: Applying: Undergraduate

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