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Ramesh Kugendran

June 16th, 2023

LSE reflections: graduation dreams to reality


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Ramesh Kugendran

June 16th, 2023

LSE reflections: graduation dreams to reality


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

It seems strange to be writing this blog, reflecting on my time at LSE. It feels like it was only yesterday when I got that letter of acceptance via UCAS. And now, graduation is just around the corner, set for the end of July 2023. Time flies, huh? But hey, all good things must come to an end. Time to reflect!

Lessons learned, memories treasured

LSE has taught me so much, not just academically, but I’ve discovered a lot about myself along the way. Like, who knew I could become a pro at pulling all-nighters during exam season? But in all seriousness, university life has compelled me to leave my comfort zone and take advantage of incredible opportunities I never thought I’d pursue.

I mean, who would’ve thought I’d find my passion for fitness and health in my first year? LSE is where I first took up boxing. Prior to coming to LSE, I tended to shy away from sports, assuming that sports would just be a distraction from my academic success, but boy, was I wrong! This unexpected journey of fitness, health and self-care is something I’d never would’ve imagined happening to me.

Some of the most epic memories during my time at LSE were definitely made in Carr-Saunders Hall. I can still feel the nerves creeping in as I entered into the kitchen for the first time, and attempted to introduce myself. But my anxiety quickly subsided. From wild Hawaiian-themed kitchen parties to epic floor lockdown shenanigans, the friends and memories I’ve made here have been absolutely incredible. Carr-Saunders and LSE were everything I hoped for and more!

Speaking of friends, I have to give a special mention to my course mates. These people have been my pillar of support, standing by one another in good times and bad. (Especially during SP201 – shout out to all my Social Policy undergrads out there, trust me, when it comes to coding, it does get better. Hang in there!). As cliché as it may seem, I can honestly say I’ve made friends for life.

Unwinding after the storm: embracing post-exams bliss

Well, graduation is quickly approaching, and you might be wondering what comes next for an LSE alum. I’m sorry to disappoint, but the truth is that I’m not sure. Throughout my life, it felt like I always had a roadmap of what’s coming up. School led to Sixth Form, and then it was off to university. And now? I feel like I’m at a strange intersection, unsure of which way to go. Life after graduation is a completely different game.

The road ahead: Looking to the future…

Realistically, I believe that I want to unwind and fully appreciate my summer months  before I’m sucked into the corporate grind. Nobody really forewarns you about the large workload at LSE or even at any university. After final year exams, there is a strange combination of relief and a sense of being lost without all the studying. It’s identical to what it feels like after completing your A Levels.

Besides, I’ve already started applying for graduate jobs now within the finance industry. But before all that adult stuff, I’ve got some amazing holidays lined up: Monaco, Paris, and Bahrain! I’m eager to make the most of these adventures and live life to the fullest.

Final remarks…

Writing this blog was no walk in the park, mainly due to the overwhelming sense of achievement it brings. Can you believe that since I began this journey in September 2020, I have published over 40 blog posts? And now, this one covers the end of my LSE chapter. If any of you are on the fence about applying to LSE, let me tell you, just do it and don’t look back. It’s without a doubt the best decision I’ve made. Who knows, maybe in 10 years’ time, I’ll read my blogs again, just to relieve my LSE experience once more!

As my LSE journey comes to an end, I wish all of you, who are just beginning yours, the best of luck!

About the author

Ramesh Kugendran

Welcome to my blog! I'm Ramesh Kugendran, a student of International Social and Public Policy at LSE. As someone who is passionate about Social and Public Policy, I am excited to share my thoughts, insights, and experiences on this blog. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Posted In: Student life

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