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July 22nd, 2023

My favourite bookshops in London

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


July 22nd, 2023

My favourite bookshops in London

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

As it is well known London is one of the best places in the world for shopping, which obviously includes book shopping as well! From some of the biggest bookshops in the world to historic independent stores and themed places, London can truly be heaven for bookworms, and people who love to browse through some of the best titles surrounded by a magnificent smell of words printed on paper. Below I present my favourite bookshops in London, which I would highly encourage you to check out!

Daunt Books, Marylebone

One of the most popular of the beautiful London bookshops, and as I believe for a reason, is the branch of the Daunt Books shops, located on the Marylebone High Street in North London. It is one of the most picturesque stores I have ever seen which features an Edwardian interior and beautiful wooden bookshelves and stairs. The bookshop offers a wide variety of books from every genre and a small antique section, but its speciality is certainly its travel and international section, with books arranged according to their country of origin. The store has become a popular tourist attraction and it can get quite crowded at times, but nothing compares to looking for new reads, surrounded by a beautiful interior and a cosy, quaint atmosphere.

Waterstones, Gower Street and Picadilly Circus

An obvious choice, but a book lover’s dream are the Waterstones bookshops located in various places around London. My favourite must be the one on Gower Street, located in the beautiful surroundings of Bloomsbury. With four huge floors full of books from every genre, and aesthetically pleasing displays, there is hardly a book that you cannot find, and I could easily spend long hours trying to look for my next read. The staff are extremely nice and helpful, and the bookshop also has an amazing café with a lovely garden and great coffee, which makes it a perfect place to go and enjoy your new purchase. Another great Waterstones bookshop worth visiting is the one found in Picadilly Circus. While a little more crowded than the former the bookshop is spread over eight floors, has a bar with a view and is considered the largest bookshop in Europe.

Word on Water

One of my favourite bookshops due to its uniqueness and unprecedented features, is the Word on the Water located on Regent’s Canal. Stacks of books are placed on a 100-year-old Dutch barge, making it an interesting object and a popular attraction. It has a range of both new and older book copies, and often hosts shows of artists and musicians. Although compared to the other shops on the list the selection of titles can appear quite limited, the incomparable atmosphere and concept of this shop make it certainly worth a visit.

Walden Books

Last on my list is a little bookshop called Walden Books located next to Camden High Street in Camden Town, close to the food trucks and the beautiful canal. It is an independent bookshop, specialising mostly in second-hand books and rare finds, which together with its quaint interior and dusty smell makes it one of a kind and worth discovering yourself. It is a perfect place for all fans of older books and beautiful editions, and while you cannot find many of the newer and currently popular books, you can look for new favourites outside your usual choices and possibly find a new gem!

About the author


My name is Zosia, and I am a first-year undergraduate student at LSE, studying LLB in Laws. I am an international student from Poland, and my passions include reading, writing, travelling and participating in all kinds of sports.

Posted In: London life

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