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September 4th, 2023

Uggla Family Chronicles: My Unforgettable Year as an LSE Uggla Family Scholar


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


September 4th, 2023

Uggla Family Chronicles: My Unforgettable Year as an LSE Uggla Family Scholar


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

My first year at LSE has been nothing but an enjoyable experience. It turned out to be a year of academics, friendships and opportunity. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I had the privilege of being an Uggla Family Scholar!

The world of a Scholar

Being an Uggla Family Scholar is not just about the monetary aid – it’s like discovering a whole new society that instantly becomes your family. The Uggla Family Scholars Programme provided me with a network of people that I can resonate with. The Programme plans time for us to come together multiple times a semester to vent about university life, have sessions about how to budget effectively (which is vital in the heart of London) and even have sessions with different professors at LSE which is interesting as you get think about different topics beyond your degree.

In addition, with being an Uggla Family Scholar comes great social meet-ups and events. Last year, the Uggla Family Scholars and the Uggla Family themselves threw on their bowling shoes for an unforgettable (and needed!) evening of laughter and bowling. This memory proves that university at LSE isn’t just about textbooks and lectures, which is a common misconception.

Chapter Two: Bring on year Two

As I go into my second year at LSE, I am looking forward to taking up my responsibilities as secretary in the Advancing Black Careers society. My role and our agenda in the ABC society is to get more members to sign up as well as organising more social events for different career paths like Law, Investment Banking, Asset Management and Technology. Furthermore, I am looking forward to having the opportunity to choose my options for the Politics side of my degree as this is something that I didn’t get to do in my first year of university.

Dreams becoming a reality with the Uggla Family Scholars Programme

Being an Uggla Family Scholar has helped me massively with my plans for after I graduate. The Uggla Family are very supportive with helping us achieve our dreams. I have had heart to heart career chats with Will Meldrum (Director, Uggla Family Foundation), who I can say for sure has transformed my interview game and has massively improved my industry knowledge. The Uggla Family are genuinely there to give back and support us as students and I know from experience that they will undoubtedly do anything they can to help you in your aspirations. The Programme, and its network, provides me with a place to feel at home in a university, like LSE, that can sometimes be intense.

The LSE Code: Passion over Pressure

If I had a piece of advice for you if you are considering joining LSE, I would make sure that you choose to study a degree of something you have interest in and not something that you are not motivated by. This is because LSE is an academically challenging university, so it makes it harder to do your studies if you’re doing it in something you’re not interested in.

As for advice on a scholarship application, I would say… Apply Apply Apply! Don’t let doubt stop you from potentially life changing opportunities. I nearly didn’t apply for scholarships because I thought I had no chance of receiving one, but I was pleasantly surprised 😁

There you have it, my unforgettable year at LSE that had many surprises and friendships. I am excited to continue with the Uggla Family chronicle in Year 2 and continue to write my story. So, what’s stopping you from coming to the LSE to write your own? Nothing! So go ahead and get started!

Learn more about LSE’s Uggla Family Scholars Programme, which offers 10 scholarships every year to new undergraduate students, worth over £21,000 per year, plus mentoring, coaching and opportunities throughout your studies.

About the author


Hi my name is Sian! I have just finished my first year at LSE studying BSc Politics and Economics, and I receive a scholarship through the Uggla Family Scholars Programme.

Posted In: Applying: Undergraduate | Student life

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