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November 30th, 2023

Moving to London is only as scary as you make it


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


November 30th, 2023

Moving to London is only as scary as you make it


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The scariest part about moving to a new, big city is not knowing what to expect. Of course that’s part of the deal – it’s called stepping out of your comfort zone for a reason. If you’re not from around, and especially if you’re an international student, London will both unsettle and amaze you from day one. The street lights will constantly remind you that you’re far from home, but the city’s atmosphere will definitely lure you to stay.

Coming to London to pursue a master’s degree was the biggest leap of faith I have ever taken. And with this I am mostly referring to the type of faith that one can only put in oneself. It’s the believing in the endless possibilities that London has to offer, on all levels, constantly presenting themselves as job opportunities, exciting new friendships, and interesting cultural experiences that feed every students’ imagination and make them see London as a very real place to make a living in. But at the same time, the uncertainty around securing a job offer, the missing of all the friends back home, and the feeling that comes with being in an unfamiliar place might turn London into an overwhelming place to stay. A positive or negative net balance out of these contrasting feelings will come down to how much weight one puts into each variable in this emotional equation.

But unsurprisingly, London has its own way of tipping the scale in favour of any one side of this emotional (un)balance. At any point in time, you can find someone who will suddenly make the city look less like a transit centre and more like a home. The city can also present you with a new life purpose that might give a deeper meaning to your staying. London can even be a fresh start, capable of making you leave your past self behind and allow you to build a new life of your own. And these are just some of the endless possibilities that make this city so special. Depending on how much one is willing to believe in themselves and in what they can accomplish, London can end up being a completely different place for different people. The city will not always show you how to make the most out of its secrets, but it will definitely give you a chance to try.

Of course, there’s a lot of anxiety involved in trying to “make it” in a new place. Especially in one as competitive, fast-paced, and somewhat merciless as London. But that is the case with pretty much every big city in the world. So in the end, it all comes down to how badly you want to make it here. Or anywhere, for that matter. The point is that London will teach you how to step out of your comfort zone and make you face not only your inner anguishes that’ll inevitably arise, but also the outer anxieties stemming from a sea of possibilities. Realising this showed me that my past should not weigh me down, but push me forward – and London was the perfect place to learn that. It might be easier to never leave our glass dome back home, but there’s certainly more life to be lived outside of our comfort zones.

All in all, London is a fertile ground which you can use to either grow new roots in or expand your branches and reach for the clouds upon. The secret to “making it” here lies in your ability to overcome new challenges and commitment to make the most out of what the city has to offer. With a little bit of faith in what you can do, London will give you the chance to blossom. With some dedication and hard-work, the city will eventually reward you for taking that leap of faith. Whether if on a temporary or on a more permanent basis, your time in London will teach you things you didn’t even know about yourself. The city will show you things you weren’t expecting to see in you. So learn from it; see it for your own. When it comes to London, the truth is that betting on you is pretty much all you can do. The city will take care of the rest.

About the author


Matheus Almeida is a master’s student, studying Media and Communications (Data and Society) with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations. Born and raised in the Brazilian state of Bahia. Highly interested in social media infrastructures and data applications. Main hobbies are dancing, partying, and dancing in parties as if nobody is watching.

Posted In: London life

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