Tim Crane / A C Grayling
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Wednesday 12 May 2010, 6.30 – 8.00pm
Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE
Tim Crane, Knightbridge Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge and Fellow of Peterhouse College
A C Grayling, Professor of Philosophy, Birkbeck College, University of London, and Supernumerary Fellow of St Anne’s College, Oxford
For the last 150 years or so European philosophers and sociologists have tended to regard religion as just one more pre-scientific myth and superstition that has had its day, and likely to wither on the vine of History. This view, the secularization thesis, seems today to be in poor shape. Not only does there appear to be no sign of withering, still less a clear path of scientific and rational progress, but religion seems to be reviving. Classic atheist criticisms of religion tend today to sound increasingly strident and dogmatic. In this dialogue two of Britain’s leading philosophers who are also convinced atheists explored the continued attractions of religious belief and its place in a European world whose secular character is itself today in question.