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Forum for Philosophy

November 14th, 2018



Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Forum for Philosophy

November 14th, 2018



Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Hannah Dawson/ Robert Rowland Smith/ Helen Tyson

Listen to the recording here or on YouTube

When the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau set out to write his Confessions in 1782, he proposed ‘to set before my fellow-mortals a man in all the truth of nature; this man shall be myself’. Philosophers have long engaged with the confessional form, from Plato and Augustine to Derrida and Cixous. Is biography an inherently philosophical medium? How does life inflect the philosophy of any given thinker? Or should we make a distinction between the facts of a philosopher’s life and their philosophical thought? Int his podcast, we discuss the philosophy and the art of biography.

Hannah Dawson
, Senior Lecturer in the History of Political Thought, KCL; Author, Life Lessons from Hobbes
Robert Rowland Smith, Quondam Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford; Author, Autobiophilosophy and Driving with Socrates
Helen Tyson, Lecturer in 20th and 21st Century British Literature, University of Sussex

Shahidha Bari, Fellow, Forum for Philosophy; Senior Lecturer in Romanticism, Queen Mary University of London

Recorded on 14 November 2018 at the LSE


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Forum for Philosophy

Science, politics, and culture from a philosophical point of view

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