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Forum for Philosophy

October 17th, 2017

Digital Selves

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Forum for Philosophy

October 17th, 2017

Digital Selves

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

David Berry/ Legacy Russell/ Laurence Scott

Listen to the podcast here or on YouTube

Watch Legacy’s full presentation here

How does our ubiquitous digital culture affect our sense of self? Is the self distorted, or do we now possess an invigorating digital selfdom? Should we revise our philosophical conceptions of the self in the light of social media? Our panel of writers, artists, and political theorists explore what happens to memory, emotion, and thought in the age of Google.

David Berry, Professor of Digital Humanities and Co-director of the Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, University of Sussex
Legacy Russell, writer, artist, and founding theorist of Glitch Feminism
Laurence Scott, Senior Lecturer English and Creative Writing, Arcadia University; author of Four-Dimensional Human

Shahidha Bari, Fellow, The Forum; Senior Lecturer in Romanticism in the Department of English, Queen Mary, University of London

Recorded 17 October 2017 at the LSE

About the author

Forum for Philosophy

Science, politics, and culture from a philosophical point of view

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