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Forum for Philosophy

October 20th, 2001

Intersubjectivity, Community and Social Relations


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Forum for Philosophy

October 20th, 2001

Intersubjectivity, Community and Social Relations


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Vincent Descombes / Ernst Tugendhat / Tim Crane / Maeve Cook / Lilian Alweiss

Annual General Conference
In association with the European Research Institute, University of Birmingham and The Institut Français, London
10am-6pm | Saturday 20 October 2001

European Institute, Birmingham University

Vincent Descombes, EHESS, Paris
Ernst Tugendhat, University of Tübingen
Tim Crane, University College London
Maeve Cook, University College, Dublin
Lilian Alweiss, Trinity College Dublin

Is a theory of ‘intersubjectivity’ capable of elucidating the nature of a social relation and of how such relations develop within a community? There are many different approaches to this major question, which will be examined during this one-day conference: phenomenology, philosophy of mind, Habermas’ communicative ethics and Heidegger’s concept of the “They” and inauthenticity.

Vincent Descombes
Intersubjective and Social Relations

Ernst Tugendhat
We are not ‘hard-wired’: Heidegger’s Concept of the Conventional and the Depth-dimensions of Deliberation

Tim Crane
Intentionality, ‘Phenomenology’ and Intersubjectivity in Recent Analytic Philosophy

Maeve Cook
Finitude, Freedom, Faillibilism: The Limitations of Habermas’s Intersubjectivist Account of Moral Validity

Lilian Alweiss
Responsibility and Community

Registration fees:
Full fee includes lunch: £18
Concession (students, unwaged, members of FEP): £10
Reduced fee (excludes lunch): £10, Concessions £7

About the author

Forum for Philosophy

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