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Forum for Philosophy

October 25th, 2001

Philosophy Matters


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Forum for Philosophy

October 25th, 2001

Philosophy Matters


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Roger Trigg / Anthony O’Hear

Organised in co-operation with New York University in London
6.30pm (drinks) for 7pm | Thursday 25 October 2001
6 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3RA

Roger Trigg, Professor of Philosophy, Warwick University

Anthony O’Hear, Royal Institute of Philosophy

Text: Philosophy Matters (August 2001, Blackwell)
Philosophy Matters takes on the task of confronting and elucidating important philosophical issues that play their part in guiding our lives today. In particular, it challenges fashionable forms of relativism and materialism, arguing that we cannot discard the role of reason any more than we can do without philosophical presuppositions. The book is written especially for those who may be approaching philosophy for the first time and may be undecided about its relevance.

The Book Forum
The Book Forum introduces a new series of meetings, which aim to present recent philosophy books for discussions by a wider public.

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Forum for Philosophy

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