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Forum for Philosophy

November 22nd, 2001

Value, Respect and Attachment


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Forum for Philosophy

November 22nd, 2001

Value, Respect and Attachment


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Joseph Raz / Véronique Munoz-Dardé

Organised in co-operation with New York University in London
6.30pm (drinks) for 7pm | Thursday 22 November 2001
6 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3RA

Joseph Raz, Balliol College, Oxford

Véronique Munoz-Dardé, Department of Philosophy, UCL

Text: Value, Respect and Attachment (CUP, October 2001)
In his latest book, Professor Raz reflects critically on one of the central tenets of ethical thought, the view that values are universal. How can the latter be so, when evaluative properties are historically or socially dependent? He concludes that we should try to understand what is and what is not entailed by the universality of values rather than abandoning the belief altogether, with such a proper understanding being central to the future hopes of mankind.

The Book Forum
The Book Forum introduces a new series of meetings, which aim to present recent philosophy books for discussions by a wider public.

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Forum for Philosophy

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