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November 16th, 2022

Giving Tuesday 2022

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


November 16th, 2022

Giving Tuesday 2022

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

So you’ve heard of #BlackFriday or you’re gearing up for #CyberMonday, but do you know about #GivingTuesday?

After two days of spending, Giving Tuesday, Tuesday 29 November, is an international day dedicated to giving back to society. But what can you give? Donating money is often the first thing that comes to mind, but you can also give your time (volunteering), share your skills or donate items. In 2021 more than 2.1 million donations were made on the PayPal platform to over 160,000 non-profits and causes around the globe, with PayPal processing a record-breaking $188 million

The LSE Volunteer Centre and LSESU RAG are bringing #GivingTuesday2022 to you and the rest of the LSE community. It’s a day for the LSE community to come together to donate their time and money and use their voices to help causes they’re passionate about. As we’re living in the middle of a cost of living crisis this is a great way to think about how we can give back to those most vulnerable in society.

So how can you get involved?

 GivingTuesday at LSE 

 Your student volunteering ambassadors will be on campus on Tuesday 29 November, in the Marshall Building, hosting a number of different activities for you to get involved with.

Food Drive 

The student volunteering ambassadors are running a food drive in the run up to Christmas, bring any non-perishable foods along to be donated at a local food bank in Waterloo.

Where in the world have you volunteered? 

We’re going to have a large world map showcasing all the locations that LSE students have volunteering across the world.

Christmas Cards 
Create a Christmas Card this GivingTuesday to put a smile on someone’s face. In previous years we’ve donated 100s of cards to Great Ormond Street Hospital to decorate the wards over the Christmas period. We’ll have all of our craft supplies so come along for 10 minutes and get creative.

 RAG Pie in Face

RAG will be running Pie in Face fundraiser, donate to get involved and pie some of your favourite (or least favourite) members of RAG committee.

 Bake Sale 

Who doesn’t love a sweet treat between lectures? RAG will be hosting a bake sale, with all money going to their charity partners.


We would love to chat to you about volunteering and hear more about the causes that you’re passionate about. There will be whiteboards on campus for you to write all over about why you volunteer and the things that you are particularly interested in.

 LSE SU Societies  

Some of the charity LSESU societies will also be joining us to run a number of different games for you to get involved with. You will also be able to hear more about the work they’re doing, continue giving beyond Giving Tuesday.

 TED Talk Lunch: The Way We Think About Charity Is Dead Wrong 

What is charity? Is the way we think about charity right? Join us in a TED Talk viewing and open discussion around the way that charity works. We’ll be hosting a evening showing to discuss (pizza provided) on Tuesday 29 November.

It will be great to see you on campus on Tuesday 29 November so please come down and get involved!


About the author


Posted In: Events and Opportunities

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