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Cyndy Alima

November 3rd, 2023

Community Engagement Programme Experience: Seizing The Opportunity


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Cyndy Alima

November 3rd, 2023

Community Engagement Programme Experience: Seizing The Opportunity


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The LSE Community Engagement Programme is a supported initiative in which teams of LSE students volunteer as consultants for UK and overseas charities. Each team is given a project brief they must address within 10 weeks, and which focuses on a ‘challenge’ a charity faces. Student applications to the LSE Community Engagement Programme 2023 are open until 12 November to all current LSE undergraduates and postgraduates. 

When I was a first-year at LSE, I wanted to seize all the opportunities around me and be fully immersed in the university experience. One of these opportunities included being part of the LSE Community Engagement Programme. I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to meet new people, engage in a new experience and do voluntary work that really had an impact on our community. After meeting my group and discussing the task with our charity partner, who works to support survivors of domestic violence, we knew the hard work had just begun.

One of the standout aspects of the LSE Community Engagement Programme is the emphasis on teamwork. It was the first time my group and I had ever done this type of work, but our excitement and determination were clear from the outset. Collaborating with students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines definitely helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Even though it was the first time we met, it was great to see the effect of working alongside likeminded people who are also passionate about making a positive impact on our community. I really appreciated all the discussions, laughs and memories we shared throughout the project, despite the difficult subject matter.

When we received the project brief, we all brought our individual ideas to the table and created a solution for our charity partner that encapsulated all our ideas. It challenged me to step outside my comfort zone and think critically about how my individual contribution feeds into a collective effort. With an incredible project like this, you’ll quickly realise that every small action, every idea, and every voice matters in creating positive change.

Participating in the LSE Community Engagement Programme with organisations like our charity partner has the potential to be a transformative experience. Here are some key takeaways that make this opportunity worth seizing:

Personal Growth: Engaging with the charity and my peers across different disciplines allowed me to adapt, learn, and grow as an individual.

Real-world Impact: One of the most fulfilling parts of the project is reviewing your work with the charity. When we had our final meeting with the charity, they expressed their gratitude and talked about next steps for the work we did. There’s a profound sense of fulfilment that comes from knowing you’ve made a tangible difference.

Enhanced Perspective: This experience broadened my perspective on societal issues and allowed me to explore the multi-faceted nature of our society. Having completed this project, I believe I am a more well-rounded and informed person.

It’s important for us as students to step out of our academic bubble for a change and connect with the real world. The LSE Community Engagement Programme allowed me to do just that—a chance to change my lens and gain a broader perspective on life beyond the classroom. I am very grateful for this opportunity and think it is very valuable for LSE students.

If Cyndy has inspired you to volunteer, check out one of our other ongoing opportunities or book a one-to-one with David Coles, the Volunteer Centre Manager if you have more questions. And why not follow us on Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with our events and opportunities and read our blog for more volunteering tips and stories.

About the author

Cyndy Alima

BSc Philosophy and Economics, 2025

Posted In: Volunteer Experiences

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