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David Coles

May 1st, 2024

Summer Volunteering Scheme for Disabled Students 2024: Applications now open!


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

David Coles

May 1st, 2024

Summer Volunteering Scheme for Disabled Students 2024: Applications now open!


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The Summer Volunteering Scheme, run by the LSE Volunteer Centre in collaboration with Viki Chinn from LSE Careers, provides LSE students with a safe space to talk about volunteering and adjustment requirements. The scheme is for any current LSE student who identifies as a Disabled student and/or with a long-term condition, including students who may be awaiting a diagnosis and students who have not disclosed to the LSE. This year, we’re recruiting for 21 roles across 9 charities with an expressed commitment to enhancing accessibility. 

The recruitment process is run internally at the LSE via written applications and a round of interviews.  We are on-hand throughout the summer to provide support if required.  We also offer volunteers the opportunity to meet up as a group in a social setting (optional) or be connected with other participants on the scheme who are volunteering at the same charity (optional). 

The scheme runs from the middle of July to the end of September 2024. Applications are open from 1 – 26 May.  

‘I really enjoyed participating in this scheme. It allowed me to gain professional skills in a safe and nurturing environment, pursuing both my personal and academic interests.’ (2023 student volunteer) 

‘This was a precious experience volunteering remotely at an international charity. All team members were very friendly to me and even organized a farewell meeting for me. I learnt a lot and helped refugees through this scheme.’ (2022 student volunteer) 

‘I’ve loved taking part in this scheme and it’s definitely helped me to develop my CV and make me a stronger candidate for the roles I would like.  The team have been so supportive the whole way through, and it’s really helped my confidence in asking for accommodations and being open about my disability in the workplace.  I also found it really useful to have something positive to do with my time as I take my next step and begin my job search.’ (2021 student volunteer) 

This summer’s roles are: 

  • Advocacy / Communications Campaign Researcher (2 roles) – Spring ACT 
  • Campaigns Volunteer – Fairtrade Foundation 
  • Content Marketing Volunteer – Fairtrade Foundation 
  • Discover Volunteer (2 roles) – Churchill War Rooms (Imperial War Museums) 
  • Discover Volunteer (2 roles) – HMS Belfast (Imperial War Museums) 
  • Discover Volunteer (2 roles) – Imperial War Museum London 
  • Market Research and Strategic Planning Volunteer – Fairtrade Foundation 
  • Project Development Volunteer – Creative Opps CIO 
  • Research Assistant – ReachOut2All CIC 
  • Research Assistant and Project Member – Dialogue Society 
  • Resource Center Content Creator – Grandmother Collective 
  • Responsible Business Strategy Coordinator – Fairtrade Foundation 
  • Sustainability Research Volunteer (4 roles) – People & Planet 
  • Video Animation Content Creator – Team Up

These roles present the chance to make a social impact, learn more about a cause you’re passionate about, gain experience in the non-profit sector, make useful contacts, develop new and existing skills, meet new people, learn more about London and the UK, and experience communicating adjustment requirements in a professional setting. 

You can read more about the roles and apply via CareerHub.  You can find out more about the Summer Volunteering Scheme on our webpage. We’re also holding an information event on Zoom on 8 May 11am-12pm to which everyone is welcome.  Alternatively, please reach out to to correspond via email about the scheme and/or to schedule a meeting at a different time. 

We look forward to hearing from you! 

About the author

David Coles

I am the Volunteer Centre Manager at LSE. My aim is to inspire and empower students to volunteer for causes they are passionate about.

Posted In: Events and Opportunities

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