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July 22nd, 2013

Aids, TB and Malaria in Africa


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Blog Editor

July 22nd, 2013

Aids, TB and Malaria in Africa


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

An infographic from Al Jazeera shows that despite improvements, more Africans still die from malaria even though the spotlight remains firmly fixed on HIV/Aids.

Every 60 seconds a child dies from malaria in Africa, and despite the fact that infectious disease is the biggest threat to the continent, the spotlight remains focused elsewhere.

Africa, with all the issues its 54 countries face, understands the urgent need to tackle killer diseases. Stemming the flow of HIV and AIDS, TB and malaria – while adequately treating existing cases – continues to be a challenge.

African governments and international efforts have made great strides in combatting the scourge of disease on the continent.

Over the past decade, the number of AIDS-related deaths and new infections decreased in Sub-Saharan Africa because of cheaper and improved access to treatment, and generally better health policies. Yet much of Africa is still plagued by deadly contagions and resources remain lacking.


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Posted In: Health

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