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Laura Silverman

July 8th, 2016

What’s it like to intern with LSE Generate?


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Laura Silverman

July 8th, 2016

What’s it like to intern with LSE Generate?


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Last week we interviewed our most recent intern, Bobak Saadat, on how he found the whole experience. Here’s what he had to say about it all (and we promise we haven’t deleted the negative bits!!):

What is it like working at LSE after studying there?!Bobak

I thought it would be strange to be LSE staff so soon after being an LSE student but it was quite the opposite! It was great to still be submerged in the LSE spirit, going to public lectures, hanging out with colleagues and students friends alike after work. LSE felt like a home away from home so it was easy to settle in and get stuck into working. Another benefit was the student insight I brought to the department as well as the familiarity I already had with different aspects of the school.

What was the most exciting project/s you worked on?

Hands down the most exciting project I worked on was the Generate funding competition culminating in the LSE Entrepreneur of the Year competition. If you don’t know about it already, this series of events is like LSE’s own Dragons’ Den! It was fantastic riding the highs and lows with entrepreneurial LSE students as well as learning from entrepreneurial experts in the form of our panelists. I tried my hand at all aspects of project management from booking rooms to hiring speakers supported by an incredibly supportive team at LSE Careers whenever I had any questions. The best parts were probably sitting in on the panel in the initial rounds of the competition and seeing the fruits of our labour at the Entrepreneur of the Year final and the Summer Party. It was also very satisfying to secure high profile speakers for some of our events including the co-founders of Franco Manca.

How has the internship helped you in your new job or entrepreneurial ambitions?

The role was fast-paced and there was always something to do as well as a lot of variety in the tasks because I worked in a small team. Because of this nature of the role and my contact with entrepreneurs I gained insight into how startup teams work dynamically and quickly test their ideas. This experience has made me more proactive in my new role, thinking creatively to come up with new solutions rather than following a pre-defined path. I also now find it easier to stop worrying about which career path to take and to focus on applying myself to what I am interested in and gaining skills where needed as I’d seen many of our own entrepreneurs face the same false dichotomy of passion vs work and overcome it. The role also helped me gain an initial grounding in the topics needed to open up a food truck (watch this space!)

Any advice for someone considering the role but not 100% sure?

As with all the LSE graduate internships, this internship is a great opportunity for any LSE graduate to gain some work experience in a great location and environment. You’ll love this particular role if you like entrepreneurship, establishing and maintaining relationships (with great people!) and helping out students. It’s also great to work in LSE Careers where the staff will provide helpful tips when planning your future employment. You will also get a good insight into the other work that goes on in LSE Careers and if you get the time might be able to collaborate with one or two other projects. One thing is for sure, if you apply yourself, you will definitely gain a wide range of experience that will be beneficial in your future careers.

You can find out more about LSE Generate and how to get involved on our website! We hope to see you in the new academic year,

Team Generate


About the author

Laura Silverman

Posted In: Generate | LSE Careers


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