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Viki Chinn

May 4th, 2017

Discover the LSE Careers website – not (just) CareerHub!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Viki Chinn

May 4th, 2017

Discover the LSE Careers website – not (just) CareerHub!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Blog by LSE Careers Consultant Viki Chinn:

Can you imagine a world where Sainsbury’s didn’t sell milk, Tesco’s didn’t sell bread, and Waitrose didn’t give away free coffee? No? Of course not – these are key products without which a food shop would not be providing…food!

Every time I run a seminar or workshop I always ask the audience ‘How many of you have seen the LSE Careers website?’ – usually around 80-90% of the students in the room put their hands up. I then follow up with ‘…that isn’t CareerHub’ to which hands drop quicker than the pound on referendum day!

So using our supermarket analogy above would it not also seem strange if a careers service as focused and active as LSE Careers didn’t have a comprehensive website filled with information and resources to help you with every aspect of your job search and career planning (not to mention information for those of you who may in fact want to study further first)?

So what’s the difference between CareerHub and the LSE Careers website?

CareerHub is a portal on which you can find things to book and apply for – a kind of menu from which you can select things you want to engage with (check out our other blog on that). Appointments with Careers Consultants and CV Advisers, upcoming bookable events, and job opportunities can all be accessed via CareerHub.

The LSE Careers website is your careers supermarket – the place where you can find a whole range of information about careers and other options, how to decide on them, and how to apply for them.

Many of the queries we get in our one-to-one appointments are actually already answered on our website – so to make best use of the appointment time you have with us. Why not familiarise yourself with that information at home so you can then come in and chat to us about the other, more individual, aspects of your career queries?

What can you find on our website?

Here’s a quick overview of some of the resources available:

  • About us – see who works at LSE Careers, find their contact details, and find out what services LSE Careers provides to you both during your time at LSE and after you have left.
  • Career planning and job hunting – unsure of what to do when you leave LSE or how you can find out about different jobs and industries? This section has a range of resources including how to use LinkedIn effectively and how to identify your skills, motivations, and values and apply them in order to identify and pursue potential roles.
  • CVs, cover letters, application forms and interviews, assessment centres, and psychometric tests – these two sections offer a range of resources from recorded careers seminars, to sample CVs, electronic copies of our CV and cover letter and application forms brochures, and access to Interview Stream (a tool with which you can select from a comprehensive list of interview questions and film yourself practising your answers in the privacy of your own home). Additionally there are a number of practise psychometric tests alongside advice about the different types of exercises used at assessment  entres.
  • Students with disabilities – information about the support and services offered by LSE Careers specifically for disabled students alongside practical information about a range of disability issues including disclosure, reasonable adjustments, choosing an employer, application advice, and frequently asked questions.
  • Employment sectors – find information about a range of employment sectors including types of organisations and employers, typical roles, routes in, alumni profiles, current opportunities and a whole host of other sector focused information and resources.
  • International careersinformation for students wanting to work abroad and for international students wanting to work in the UK (including country profiles and visa information).
  • Internships and work experience – information about the different types of work experience opportunities available, how to apply effectively for them, and how to get the most out of them. Links can also be found to information about internships in specific sectors, our Parliamentary Internships, and volunteering opportunities
  • PhD students and research staff and postgraduate study – whether you’re considering further study or are already undertaking it you can find a range of resources to support you through the process from application and funding information to support available during your time at LSE and beyond.
  • What LSE graduates do – explore the career paths of LSE alumni.
  • Generate at LSE Careers – the entrepreneurs amongst you can find alumni case studies, startup resources, and information about our annual funding competition.
  • LSE Volunteer Centre – find out more about what the Volunteer Centre does, how and where to find volunteering opportunities, and other ways you can get involved to enrich your LSE experience and make a difference to others.

About the author

Viki Chinn

Posted In: LSE Careers

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