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Farah Chowdhury

October 7th, 2019

How LSE Careers can help you with your interview

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Farah Chowdhury

October 7th, 2019

How LSE Careers can help you with your interview

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Congratulations, you’ve been offered an interview – all those hours of writing the perfect application have paid off!

Perhaps you’ve been offered a telephone, Skype/video, or face-to-face interview. Maybe they’ll be asking you competency, strengths based, motivational, brain teaser, technical, case study, or situational judgement questions.

Whatever you’re due to face, LSE Careers can help support your preparation:

  1. Read our interviews careers information. From the basics of interviews to information about case studies, our website hosts a wealth of useful information. The LSE Careers blog also has a number of posts about interviews.
  2. Book a 30-minute one-to-one practice interview via CareerHub. Using your submitted application, job description and proof of your upcoming interview, your careers consultant will prepare a set of questions for you to answer, giving you feedback to help you improve your performance.
  3. Book a 20-minute one-to-one appointment via CareerHub. If you’re not ready to practise your interview skills, why not come and speak with a careers consultant about your upcoming interview instead? Perhaps you’d like to talk about how to best prepare, interview etiquette, or want to talk through the answers to some questions you’re concerned about; we’d be happy to discuss this with you.
  4. Attend an interviews seminar, book via CareerHub. From general interviews seminars and practice to practical case study skills club sessions, you should find a seminar suitable for your preparation. If you can’t attend a seminar in person, listen to our recorded careers seminars: how to prepare for an interview and how to answer interview questions.
  5. Practice at home using Interview Stream. This web-based application allows you to record yourself via a webcam answering pre-set questions. Either assess your own performance at home or bring your recordings along to a careers discussion for feedback from a careers consultant. It also hosts a wealth of sector relevant questions.
  6. Visit GraduatesFirst which can generate a list of possible questions for your upcoming interview (the question identifier tool). Remember though, these suggested questions will only be a few of the many you could be asked!
  7. Find a location, if you have a telephone or video interview. You can do your telephone/video interview in a quiet room in LSE Careers if we have one available. You can request a room via CareerHub.

All the best with your preparation and your upcoming interview!


About the author

Farah Chowdhury

Posted In: Interview | LSE Careers


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