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June 24th, 2022

Take action: Your future. Your way.


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


June 24th, 2022

Take action: Your future. Your way.


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

After a time of exploration and planning, it’s time to take action! You could speak to alumni, get experience in a sector you’re interested in, learn how to interview well or make sure you perform to the best of your ability in a virtual assessment centre.

As part of our Summer Offer, ‘Your future. Your way.’, we’re diving into how you can get started…

Attend events…

Our summer events programme includes seminars, workshops and discussions to help you with the application process – whether that’s writing an effective CV, performing well at interviews and assessment centres, or overcoming imposter syndrome. If you can’t attend a particular session, check out our recordings – where possible, we’ll be making these available on CareerHub so that you can access them as and when you’re ready.

Book appointments…

A one-to-one appointment with a careers consultant, where you can discuss any aspect of your job search, applications or interviews, can help with your next steps. Our appointments are open to students and recent graduates, and we also offer specific appointments for PhDs and Research staff, Disabled students and those interested in volunteering (via the LSE Volunteer Centre). Find out more about appointments on our website.

Explore information and resources…

LSE Careers has a range of resources on offer for students, including information on specific employment sectors where you can learn about different roles, entry routes and how to gain relevant experience in your area of interest. You can also use CareerSet, our online CV tool to help get your CV ready for action; or practice your interview skills on, where you can record yourself answering different questions for a range of roles. Discover more tools on the LSE Careers website.

Search jobs and opportunities…

Whether you’re ready to apply for jobs, or you just want to get an understanding of who’s hiring and the kinds of skills they’re looking for, check out our CareerHub vacancy board. We have also compiled a list of useful job sites where you’ll find a range of roles in a range of locations around the world.

What’s on at LSE Careers…

If you’re interested in taking action on your next career steps, LSE Careers’ Summer Offer features a range of online and in-person events designed to help you do just that!

Find out more on the Your future. Your way. Hub


About the author


Posted In: Career planning | Careers Advice | Careers skill | Entrepreneurship | Finding work | Insider tips | Interview | Job hunting | LSE Careers | Networking

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