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David Coles

February 24th, 2021

How to articulate your volunteering when applying for jobs

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

David Coles

February 24th, 2021

How to articulate your volunteering when applying for jobs

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Gaining relevant experience or skills for a future career is one of the biggest benefits of volunteering. Students tell us that through their volunteering the skills they believe employers will value have increased and so has their belief in their own abilities. However, sometimes it isn’t always easy to express what you’ve gained from your volunteering or understand how it might connect to your future career. Follow our tips to ensure that you will give yourself the best chance in that next application.

Take time to reflect

When essay deadlines are looming, you are part of a student society or working a part-time job and you’re volunteering it isn’t always easy to think about what you’re learning. Take time to reflect on your experiences and draw out the skills that you’ve gained from them. Here are some questions that might be useful to consider:

  • What did I enjoy most?
  • What did I learn about the cause that I was volunteering for?
  • Which skills did I get a chance to practice?
  • What do I know now that I didn’t before I started my volunteering opportunity?
  • What did I find difficult? What would I do differently if I faced a similar situation again?
  • What do I feel proud of most from my volunteering opportunity?
  • Has anything surprised me? If so, what?
  • Have I reached the goals I set myself with this opportunity?

There are many further questions that you could ask yourself, but by taking time to write some simple points down for a few of these questions will help you understand your development better. It will also give you some fantastic answers ready for future interviews.

Be concise and keep it relevant

If you answer all of the questions above then you’ll probably have a lot that you want to pack in to any application form. However, it’s important that you keep it concise, relevant and give clear examples. Ensuring that the skills and experiences that you add to your CV match with the ones that the employer is looking for in the role that your applying for is essential.

Don’t forget to refer to the resources on LSE Careers website or book in for a CV/cover letter appointment with a Careers Consultant as well.

Be passionate about your volunteering

Employers are looking for people that are both suited for the role that they’ve applied for but also have a wide range of interests. You should be proud of your personal development and the impact that you’ve made with your volunteering. Showing that in your interview can be really powerful. It demonstrates that you care about society and you’re prepared to go above and beyond to achieve your goals. It can also help build rapport with the interviewer.

Ask your volunteer manager to be your referee

Volunteer managers can make fantastic referees as they’ll have seen you showcase some of your best work. It’s normally best to have volunteered with the organisation for a reasonable amount of time and committed to regular hours (a one-off opportunity wouldn’t be appropriate). Ask your volunteer manager for regular feedback and skills development opportunities as well. If they have experience of the sector that you are trying to get in to then they will be able to offer some excellent advice.

Volunteering at LSE

To learn more about volunteering at LSE visit the Volunteer Centre website, and to find local and overseas opportunities, check out CareerHub. If you’d like to volunteer but you’re not sure what to do, or you would like to reflect on your volunteering, then book a one-to-one appointment with our Volunteer Centre Manager to talk things over!


About the author

David Coles

I am the Volunteer Centre Manager at LSE. My aim is to inspire and empower students to volunteer for causes they are passionate about.

Posted In: Applications | Careers Advice | Cover letter | CVs | LSE Careers | Volunteer Centre


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