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Unwin,E (ug)

February 2nd, 2022

LSE Virtual Volunteering Fair 2022


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Unwin,E (ug)

February 2nd, 2022

LSE Virtual Volunteering Fair 2022


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The Volunteer Centre has a lot going on this term. First, we’re very excited to be hosting our Virtual Volunteering Fair!

At the fair, you will have the chance to meet 14 of our partner charities, as well as us, and find out about all the opportunities available to you to volunteer. Join us virtually on Thursday 3 February, 1:00-2:00pm and have a chat with some of the charities and get volunteering! Each charity will be in a breakout room, you’ll be able to move between breakout rooms yourself and talk to some of the lovely representatives. You can find out which charities will be attending and book your place on the fair via CareerHub.

In the meantime, here are some of our top tips on preparing for the fair so you can get as much as possible from the event!

1) Know your stuff

By doing a little bit of research on each organisation before the fair, you will gain a better idea of the areas they work in and the current opportunities they have available. This will allow you to ask the representatives more specific, in-depth questions about each role. See the full list on CareerHub.

2) Have a plan

As the fair is only an hour long, you may not have the time to talk in depth with all the charities. Therefore, decide which organisations you’d like to approach in breakout rooms, and what you want from them, before you join the zoom. It really helps to think about what you want to get out of the event– whether it’s gathering information, talking to people and getting a ‘feel’ for the different opportunities available, or a more focused search for a particular kind of position.

3) Be curious

If you’ve done your research, you should have plenty of queries that you’re dying to get answered – about the time commitment involved, the training provided, etc. But in the heat of the moment, you may forget them all – so write them down. Don’t be afraid to ask anything, all questions are welcome!

4) Go with an open mind

Whilst being clear about the organisations in which you are most interested, you could come across something entirely new. You never know what opportunities might appeal to you or where volunteering could take you!

5) Take action!

If you’re serious about volunteering whilst at LSE, visiting the fair is just the beginning! If you’ve come across anything new then look into it. Follow up any contacts you made. Stay in touch. Or: If you’ve been inspired to volunteer, but didn’t find the right role for you, check out one of our other ongoing opportunities or book a one-to-one with David Coles, the Volunteer Centre Manager if you have more questions.

Have a fantastic time and don’t forget to book your place to attend the Fair via CareerHub!


About the author

Unwin,E (ug)

Posted In: Volunteer Centre

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