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Equality and Diversity

May 21st, 2012

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

May 21st, 2012

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. What are you doing to get involved? The options are plenty – visit the Mental Health Awareness stall at LSE during your lunchtime, find out more about mental health and wellbeing, or simply do good to a stranger and feel good about yourself!

21-27 May is Mental Health Awareness Week. The week campaigns to increase understanding of mental health issues and to dispel myths and stereotypes associated with them. Though we’ve come a long way, it’s still not uncommon to come across negative prejudices regarding mental health, including the beliefs that people who have mental health issues aren’t ‘normal’, can’t work well, are dangerous etc. It is these attitudes that Mental Health Awareness Week seeks to dispel.

This year the theme of Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘Doing good does you good’.

What’s on at LSE

If you walk across Houghton Street tomorrow (22 May 2012) between 12 noon and 2 pm, you will come across a fantastic stall promoting Mental Health Awareness Week. You’ll be able to find out about mental health, grab posters and leaflets as well as learn about ways you can make a difference. There will be representatives from LSE Counselling Service and LSE Volunteering at the stall who’ll be able to offer advice on how to get help as well as how to give help. When you visit the stall, you’ll also have a chance to pledge your ‘little act of kindness’.

Find out more about mental health and wellbeing

If you are keen to learn more about mental health, the Mental Health Foundation and Time to Change are two great organisations providing resources and information on mental health.

At LSE, there is ample support available should you need it. LSE Counselling Service is available to both staff and students and is free and confidential.

If you’re a staff member, you can join the Mental Health Mutual Support Group. The group is a fantastic way to share experiences and concerns. To find out more about the group and to join, email Ann.O’

LSE also runs Mental Health First Aid courses. To register for the next course, check the schedule on the LSE Training system.

Do good, feel good

As mentioned, this year’s theme for the Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘Doing good does you good’. The Mental Health Foundation has carried out research that shows doing good and helping others is good for your mental health. So, try to take time to do ‘little acts of kindness’ and see how you feel!

About the author

Equality and Diversity

Posted In: Disability and Wellbeing | Health | Mental Health

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