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Equality and Diversity

October 11th, 2012

LGBT at LSE? Get involved!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

October 11th, 2012

LGBT at LSE? Get involved!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Are you an LGBT student at LSE? Whether you’re starting as a fresher or returning after the break, there’s a lot going on that you can get involved in. John Peart, the LSESU LGBT Officer, says this academic year is one of the most fun-filled that the LSESU has ever run! Find out more about the events in this post.

As an LGBT student at LSE, you’re part of the LSESU LGBT Alliance – the representative body of LGBT students at LSE. Our aim is to improve the social, welfare and careers opportunities of LGBT Students on campus.

If you’re an LGBT Fresher (or even a not-so-Fresher), the start of this academic year is one of the most fun-filled and jam-packed that the LSE Students’ Union has ever run. Here’s just some of the events we’re running.

You can keep up to date with all the latest news by visiting our website,, or by downloading our iPhone app (search ‘LSESU LGBT’ on the App Store).

LGBT Alliance Inaugural Meeting
11 October, 6:00pm, New Academic Building NAB.1.15

This is the first ever meeting of the LGBT Alliance! We’re a new body, and we need to elect a committee to coordinate our work and make sure we consider all areas of our diverse community.

Positions for election include: Womens’ Officer, Bisexual Officer, Trans Officer, Black and Minority Ethnic Officer, Postgraduate Officer, First-Year Undergraduate Officer.

If you have any questions about being on the committee, please contact me directly,

Cross-London LGBT Welcome Party
15 October, 7:00pm, The Green Carnation (Soho)

We love a good party, and we love meeting new people. So we’re throwing a party with other London LGBT groups at the Green Carnation in Soho, to welcome you to London. Entry to the bar is completely free. We’ll be holding several events like this at various places throughout the year, so stay tuned. We look forward to seeing you there!

Careers events for LGBT Students

Over the coming weeks, starting in October, we’ll be hosting events exclusively for LGBT students that are looking at careers in various industries. We’ve already got events lined up with several consultancy firms, including Morgan Stanley, and more are being arranged now. Sign up to the Alliance to get the latest details!

For more information, please contact John Peart by emailing him at

John Peart is the LGBT Officer at the LSE Students’ Union. He is now in his third year at LSE, studying for a BSc in Government. John was previously a student officer at a further education College in Somerset and a member of the National Union of Students National Executive Council until July 2011.

About the author

Equality and Diversity

Posted In: Events | Sexual orientation | Transgender

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