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Equality and Diversity

November 23rd, 2012

What happens when you pay monkeys unequally


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

November 23rd, 2012

What happens when you pay monkeys unequally


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

A recent report warned that for the first time the pay gap between men and women is at risk of widening. Currently, on an average, women earn 14.9 per cent less than men. The report closely followed on the heels of the landmark equal pay judgment in favour of 174 ex-employees of Birmingham City Council over the issue of bonuses. Since the topic is hot at the moment, let’s make the most of it – what do monkeys do when paid unequally for equal work?

Video sourced from Upworthy

Have a good weekend!

About the author

Equality and Diversity

Posted In: Equality and Diversity | Gender | Women

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