Ukraine’s refusal to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union has been seen as a significant blow for the EU’s neighbourhood strategy. André Härtel writes that this failure stems from the EU’s misunderstanding of Ukrainian politics, its inability to act coherently on foreign policy, and its preoccupation with normative aims such as democratisation. He argues that the EU requires a new approach which puts aside ‘soft power’ and seeks to integrate Ukraine into Europe – irrespective of the country’s progress in implementing democratic reforms.
Following the Ukrainian government’s surprise decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the EU, Brussels has been left with the remnants of its European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Instead of the ‘ring’ of stable and democratising states it was hoping for, the EU is now confronted with a fierce and ever more escalating power struggle between pro-European protesters and a repressive government in its largest neighbouring state. As far back as last summer, when Russia banned Ukrainian imports for several weeks, the EU and most of its Member States have been little more than spectators in a Moscow-led reorganisation of the post-Soviet space. How could things get so bad and what are the ramifications for Brussels?
EU Foreign Policy on Ukraine

Three factors were decisive in the failure of the European Neighbourhood Policy vis-à-vis Ukraine. First, Brussels and nearly all EU Member State governments have misinterpreted the intentions of the Ukrainian leadership. The regime, led by President Viktor Yanukovych, had in the past been regarded as tough and ‘semi-authoritarian’, but nevertheless reformable and ultimately geared towards improving the country. To the contrary, it is a well organised elite network which serves its own economic self-interest without any regard or the slightest sense of responsibility for its citizens.
This lack of attention by the EU is all the more puzzling, especially since Yanukovych’s power base – the so called Donetsk clan – had systematically infiltrated the entire political system since 2002. The shock experienced by the Brussels establishment at the EU’s Vilnius Summit in November 2013 is a direct consequence of the lack of understanding of Ukrainian politics. Ukraine’s foreign policy – due to the nature of the regime – does not reflect the foreign policy of consolidated Western democracies: it is geared toward providing the best possible outcomes for the oligarchy which is in control of the country. The slightest hint at a boycott by Moscow was sufficient to make Viktor Yanukovych pull back from evrointegracija (European integration), despite all the political capital invested by Brussels in the Association Agreement over the years.
Geostrategic Factors
Second, the EU’s foreign policy, coming as it does from a self-proclaimed ‘soft power’, has been characterised by a distinct lack of geostrategic thinking. It was obvious, at least as far back as late 2011 – when Vladimir Putin announced his plans for a Eurasian Union – that Moscow would not let Ukraine walk into any trade or association deal with the EU.
Brussels, on the other hand, was totally unprepared to deal with this situation. For one, its own foreign policy has rested largely on conditionality and attempts at ‘resocialisation’ in place of the classic instruments of power. At the same time, there was hardly any consensus among the Member States regarding their approach to Russian opposition to Ukraine’s association with the EU. The argument often made by EU leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a speech shortly before the Vilnius Summit, that the Eastern Partnership (EaP) is not directed against Russia, has had little effect. Indeed, Moscow clearly perceives the ENP as a threat to its ambitions in its own neighbourhood.
Lack of Discourse on Ukraine
Third, since Ukraine’s independence, the EU has never had a proper strategic debate, let alone arrived at an agreement on where the country should fit in the European project. Nevertheless, it is clear that Ukraine’s future could be the key to preventing a new division between a democratic West and an autocratic East on the European continent. Ukraine is also the strategic centrepiece of the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood, which at present is more a geopolitical grey zone, facilitating the domestic fragility Europe is now facing. Ignorance and scepticism on the issue are the prevailing themes among the large EU Member States, with the notable exception of Poland.
This failure is first and foremost an embarrassment for Germany, the EU’s supposed Eastern interlocutor, which has consistently refused to lead the strategy on Ukraine. Even worse, Berlin has continuously pushed an appeasement stance toward Russia, which has only encouraged Moscow to flex its muscles in its Western neighbourhood. Considering the present circumstances and the EU’s generally weak foreign policy, it is little surprise that the Member States have been unable to come together and keep up sufficient pressure on Kiev to choose a European future.
A New EU Policy on Ukraine?
The conditionality approach and the linking of foreign policy incentives to domestic reforms and democratisation have not been effective. The regime is reorienting itself toward Russia; while despite all of the efforts to promote democratisation, the country’s domestic political situation is in danger of mirroring that in Belarus. The EU should adopt a new three-point strategy to avoid this. First, Brussels should de-couple strategic and idealistic goals, as policy incentives are unlikely to prove successful with a regime that is unresponsive to societal demands and interests. It should instead foster a genuine geostrategic dialogue and make it clear that in the short term the Eastern Partnership is more important than democratisation.
Second, in order to be credible, the EU urgently needs to be seen as a ‘hard power’ in its foreign policy. This can be achieved by better policy coordination with the Member States. In this respect, getting Ukraine to integrate into Europe, leaving aside the idea of membership, will require a large amount of financial support to overcome the country’s structural dependence on Russia. At the same time, sanctions should be applied against repressive leaders in a more systematic and assertive way. Finally, the EU institutions should be more active in supporting civil society and youth movements in Ukraine. In the long run, this kind of engagement is more effective at democratisation than wrangling with top-level politicians, who rarely implement significant reforms anyway.
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Note: This article gives the views of the author, and not the position of the Council of Europe, EUROPP – European Politics and Policy, nor of the London School of Economics.
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André Härtel – Council of Europe
André Härtel is currently a political advisor and internal researcher at the Council of Europe. He holds a PhD from Jena University, Germany, and mainly works on the domestic and foreign policies of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
The EU is like German Panza’s rolling into one country after another forcing itself onto every country one after another. The EU is a cancer on everyone’s lives, they are threatening Scotland & then threatening London. Well it will all come to a messy end lets hope its sooner rather than later!
We don’t live in the era of Cold War anymore, the drawing of lines between east and west is out from this time.Why should the EU give concessions to a state which doesn’t respect the core fundamental values of the EU (human rights, democracy, rule of law) ? Why should the EU try to force a state to join it when the democratically elected Government of Ukraine doesn’t want to do so ? What does the EU really gain by the accession of Ukraine?
It’s funny how the EU commissioners at telling Scotland that they will not be able to enter into the EU.
indeed they are saying we will be excluded from the EU after being members for 40 years merely for exercising and democratic rights.
Scotland complies with all European laws
Has been a member of the EU for 40 years
Wishes to continue being a member of the EU
And here are the same people trying to drag the Ukraine into the EU and they do not comply with any of the laws regulations and indeed may not even be willing to join.
The EU should make its position on Scotland clear, now before the people of Scotland exercise their democratic rights in the referendum as to whether to stay part of the United Kingdom.
I think we have to be clear about what Barroso said. He didn’t say “I refuse to let Scotland in the EU” he said that as every other state would have to agree to it the process will be difficult. Barroso doesn’t make statements about whether he thinks Scotland should be in the EU or not, he’s just describing the process.
The way his statement was reported was extremely misleading in my view. What he said is completely correct – it would be difficult for Scotland to renegotiate membership in the way the SNP has described, but it’s not impossible. That was presented as if Barroso was saying it’s impossible for Scotland to get membership at all (which is, of course, a ridiculous statement, but it’s a ridiculous statement that Barroso didn’t actually make). He was also criticised for the Kosovo comparison, but the comparison merely illustrates that countries like Spain have a history of making silly decisions to send a message to their own regions.
If you ask me about independence, as someone with some expertise in the EU, I’d say it will cause some pretty undesirable consequences for Scotland – losing the rebate, entering into a negotiation with 28 states in which some (Spain, Cyprus, Greece) have an incentive to take a hard line, losing Justice and Home Affairs opt outs, being in limbo for several years – but Scotland would be in the EU eventually. The EU is open to all members if they meet the criteria, that won’t change – and it’s important with Ukraine that we remember that.
The Scots have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to drag themselves into the 21st Century without a fight with their overlords.To go for independence and then join the EU does not make sense.However,independence without getting organised as a nation-state would be an open invitation for a corporate take-over and worse terms and conditions than before.There should be an appeal for investment from Scots and supporters the world over and cast-iron guarantees as to accountability,probity,oversight and no holding back of relevant information.Whether the Scots are up to it is another matter.Sofar,I see no evidence of it anywhere.
As for the Ukraine,Hobsons choice.
“To go for independence and then join the EU does not make sense.”
I’m not going to second guess why people write odd statements like this, but the SNP have rightly made joining the EU a priority. An independent Scotland would be in the single market and it would naturally want to have influence over the rules of the single market rather than simply adopting them as an adjunct state. Becoming independent while still being tied to the UK through a currency union and the EU through the single market would actually give Scots less independence, not more.
“Becoming independent while still being tied to the UK through a currency union and the EU through the single market would actually give the Scots less independence,not more”.Exactly,so to go for independence and then join the EU does not make sense.As for a currency union,to go for independence and then join a currency union does not make sense.We know from experience that there can be no independence for a country without control over its medium of exchange,its issuance and monetary policy,not to speak of taxation(GST).What is the point of discussing independence when you do not mean independence?Well,I’m not second-guessing,just wondering.
“Exactly,so to go for independence and then join the EU does not make sense.”
The point I was making is that Scotland will be a part of the single market whether it’s in the EU or not – the same way that Norway and Switzerland are effectively part of the single market. Attempting to leave the single market is largely pointless (the spillover between Scotland and other EU economies – UK included – means they’ll have to implement EU rules in any case) and would seriously damage their economy.
Given that point it makes complete sense to be in the EU. If Scotland wants a say over the rules that will govern most of its economy then it needs EU membership.
Yes,but obviously I don’t agree.I do not believe an “independent” Scotland within the EU will have much or any say in the laying down of the EU rules or will be in a position to negotiate,even if appearances are to the contrary.Norway and Switzerland may or may not have much of a say in the rules as to how they deal with the EU,but I think it not credible to imply that these two countries are/have been unable to look after their own interests in their dealings with the EU.Essentially,the entire world is one single market,with a shifting scene of alliances and agreements which ought to be freely entered into and terminated as independent trading entities see fit.
As for Scotland,if it wishes for independence,obviously it should re-structure and re-align.That is what independence means.Not a Claytons independence.