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The Field Research Methods Lab Blog welcomes new contributions from both established and early career researchers to share their hands-on fieldwork experiences.

The Field Research Methods Lab Blog has robust academic readership numbers, and is an effective tool to engage with a broader audience, including students, academics, around field research-related methodological questions such as gaining access, researcher’s positionality, local epistemology and so on. We also welcome blog posts about your critical reflections on your own choice of research methods such as questionnaires, visual methods, digital methods, and elite interviews.

Given that many researchers encounter challenges during this pandemic, we would particularly welcome contributions that discuss pandemic-generated methodological challenges and use of alternative methods.

Blog posts should ideally be around 1000-2000 words, should be academically oriented, communicated in an accessible way, referenced, should be previously unpublished, and should be the unique work of contributing author(s).

If you are interested in submitting a draft blog post, please email for more information as well as a request for submission template, or to submit the draft post. You are also welcome to reach out to the Editor (Professor Hyun Bang Shin, h.b.shin[at] if you would like to discuss preliminary ideas.