Our latest conference, ‘Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change’, fostered debates on how to influence governance of local and national strategies, how to liaise with and impact on industry and included a measurement of the impact of academic research on the question of policymaking so far. Now, you can listen to podcasts of the discussion and catch up on our speakers’ blog posts.
Listen to the podcasts of each of the following sessions:
Session 1: Impacting Local, National and International Governance on Climate and Energy Policy
Anna Wesselink (Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds)
Neil Hirst (Grantham Institute of Climate Change, Imperial College London)
Philip Webber (Chair, SGR)
Chair: Professor Patrick Dunleavy (LSE Public Policy Group)
Session 2: Academic and Industry Liaison and Partnerships on Future Change
Nick Mabey (E3G)
James Smith (Carbon Trust)
Juliet Davenport (Founder, CEO of Good Energy)
Chair: Nicola Ranger (LSE Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and Environment)
Public Roundtable: The Impact of Climate Change Research
Nafees Meah (Head of the Climate and Energy Science Analysis Team, Department of Energy and Climate Change)
David Kennedy (Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change)
Jason Lowe (Head of Knowledge Integration, and Mitigation Advice, Met Office)
Sarah Samuel (Head of Sustainable Energy Policy, Ofgem)
Chair: Professor Sir Brian Hoskins (Director of Grantham Institute for Climate, Imperial College London)
Read some of our speakers’ blogs:
Aligning research results with current hegemonic policy discourses is necessary to create impact from Anna Wesselink (University of Leeds).
The Awkward, Realistic Choices on Low Carbon Electricity from James Smith (Carbon Trust)
Addressing the challenge of climate change must be done discursively through argument, debate and academic evidence from Nafees Meah (Department of Energy and Climate Change).
More resources, including our Handbook on maximising the impact of academic research, resources from last year’s Impact Conference and our presentation on PhD preparation for impact, are all available here.