Self-plagiarism, or publishing substantially similar work twice, is frowned upon in academia as a way of gaining an unfair advantage in a competitive ‘publish or perish’ environment. However, the increasingly open and digital nature of academic publishing means that replication is now easier than ever before. In this post, Mark Israel explores the ethics of self-plagiarism and asks, when is it right to reproduce social research? He concludes with a checklist of 5 points to consider before re-producing previously published material and invites readers to provide their own examples of when it is justifiable to re-purpose previously published social research.
In an institutional environment where researchers may be coming under increasing pressure to publish, the temptations to take short cuts and engage in duplicate or redundant publication can be significant. Duplicate publication involves re-publishing substantially the same data, analysis, discussion and conclusion, without providing proper acknowledgement or justification for the practice. Such behaviour is often condemned as ideoplagiarism or self-plagiarism, locating this practice as a parallel activity to that which appropriates other people’s ideas and words and reproduces them without due acknowledgement.
There are good reasons for censuring self-plagiarism – it distorts the academic record where meta-analyses are not aware of the duplicate publication, and provides an unfair advantage when academics’ track records are being compared. In an earlier publication (Israel, 2015), I detailed some examples of social scientists who engaged in self-plagiarism. However, I also argued that ‘It may be appropriate to publish similar articles in different journals in order to ask different research questions, link to different literatures or reach new and different audiences’ (p.163). I would like to explore some of the situations that I have encountered in the last few years where I believe re-use of text might not be inappropriate and, indeed, might actually be the ethical thing to do.
Global rankings and national assessments of universities are largely based on research inputs and outputs. Mostly, the output indicators privilege publications in international higher-ranking journals; the vast majority of those only publish in English. However, there are several good reasons why research outputs should also appear outside English-language journals. First, researchers may be funded by research councils from countries that are not Anglophone. Those research councils may indeed want to maximise their international impact by publishing in English. However, they may also recognise that they have an obligation to support researchers in their countries who are not fluent in English; indeed, they ought to be supporting the maintenance of their own languages and ensuring that scholarly discourse continues to be conducted in their native tongues. This is a policy supported by the National Committees for Research Ethics in Norway (2006), for example.
Second, researchers often have made a commitment to disseminate the results of their studies to participants or to policy-makers – where either of these communities are not English-speaking, republishing in a language other than English may be entirely appropriate.
So, revising a published paper and translating that into a language other than English might be a laudable way of preserving a research culture in a small language group, influencing policy-makers or returning a benefit to a low- or middle-income country (LMIC). This activity, of course, needs to be acknowledged and transparent and cannot be double-counted as a research output.
Following a roundtable discussion of social research ethics hosted by the University of Haifa, a chapter that I co-authored was recently translated into Hebrew and published in an Israeli journal. Gary Allen and I agreed to do this in order to encourage further discussion of human research ethics in Israel. The decision was taken with the approval of our original editors and publishers.
In 2018, I co-authored an article on research ethics in Taiwan with a Taiwanese academic (Gan and Israel, in press). This will be published in Developing World Bioethics and we shall explore the possibility of modifying it for a Mandarin version aimed specifically at a readership of Taiwanese academics and policy-makers. While many senior Taiwanese academics are fluent in English, this is less likely to be the case among those who have not completed postgraduate qualifications in North America, Australasia or the United Kingdom. Publishing in Mandarin would extend access to our work (including allowing it to be found in a search using Traditional Chinese script), and may make it more readily available for undergraduate teaching. Sometimes, we can craft opportunities to help readers of other languages without translating the entire article. A recent article that I co-authored with Lisa Wynn (Wynn & Israel, 2018) took advantage of the American Anthropologist’s policy of publishing all abstracts in both English and Spanish. At our request, the editors agreed to add abstracts in Arabic and French.
I wonder if fear of being seen as self-plagiarising, also inhibits academics writing book chapters in research ecosystems where chapters do not count for much. I have repeatedly been invited to write chapters that give an overview of social research ethics. Initially, I tended to say yes. However, it is difficult to continually deliver a novel angle for such a chapter, when the brief from the commissioning editor is so similar. I have collaborated with co-authors in order to develop new directions. However, sometimes this is not practicable and yet there may still be some value in repurposing existing text and tailoring it for a new audience. For a recent edited collection where I was invited to write a review of global regulation of human research ethics, the publishers as a matter of policy quite understandably challenged any article that relied on previously published work for more than ten per cent of its material. However, the editor had approached me looking for a synthesis of work that included, updated and condensed material that had already appeared in my single-authored book. I had raised the matter of overlapping text with him, and so he was able to persuade the publisher that a far larger fraction was warranted in this case. My book publisher also agreed.
I have not encountered much discussion of these matters in the published literature. But, I spend much of my time running professional development classes in research ethics. In these fora, I counsel researchers that when confronted by an ethical issue they ought to attempt to discern what might be an ethical response, act on that analysis and then publicly acknowledge and, where necessary, defend their actions.
There are several principles that might in some circumstances provide support for the argument that I have traced here. Of course, any strategy needs to be guided by the requirements of research integrity and so we should be citing and acknowledging any other work to which we refer appropriately and accurately eg. Researcher Responsibility 27, Australian Code, 2018.
The Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings (TRUST Project, 2018) considers that fairness in research in low- and middle-income countries requires that:
Feedback about the findings of the research must be given to local communities and research participants. It should be provided in a way that is meaningful, appropriate and readily comprehended. (Article 3)
Similarly, the 2018 Australian Code places responsibility on researchers to ‘Disseminate research findings responsibly, accurately and broadly…’ (Research Responsibility 23). Any strategy should also be tested in Australia against the principles adopted by the National Statement (2007, updated 2018). In this context, the most pertinent of these are integrity, which would require honesty and commitment to recognised research principles, and justice which would require a fair distribution of the benefits of research. None of these codes or guidelines explicitly considers repurposing existing text, nor do they focus their discussion of dissemination on academic publications. Nevertheless, they do require us to consider what dissemination strategy might be most appropriate and this may well involve adapting and translating material for academic publication in order to reach new audiences.
So, here is my advice for those who are considering re-using text that they have previously published:
- Assess whether your reasons are ethically defensible;
- Seek the agreement of those involved in your first publication – co-authors, editors and publishers; in some cases, publishers will want a specific form of acknowledgement;
- Seek the agreement of those involved in the new publication that will be reproducing material – any co-authors, editors and publishers;
- Clearly acknowledge in the new publication that you are drawing on the earlier publication and do so with the agreement of the various parties, and
- Where it would be misleading not to do so, also note the relationship between publications in your CV and any job or grant applications.
This blog post originally appeared on the Australasian Human Research Ethics Consultancy Services Blog and is reposted with the author’s permission.
Note: This article gives the views of the authors, and not the position of the LSE Impact Blog, nor of the London School of Economics. Please review our comments policy if you have any concerns on posting a comment below.
Image credit: Luca Florio via Unsplash
About the author
Mark Israel is Adjunct Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Australia, Australia Adjunct Professor of Law and Criminology, School of Law, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
perhaps it is a neologism, but one thing is clear. Self-plagiarism is nonsensical in that it is self contradictory because one cannot plagiarize ones own work. The norms that re-use breaks have nothing to do with plagiarism. They are the Inglefinger rule, which is surprisingly not mentioned in the article and copyright. The Inglefinger rule is against duplicate submission of the same article to many journals. Copyright comes into effect when you give away your rights to your own work and thus need permission to use your own work again. Those two seem to be capture the problem of academic re-use. Yes, you should cite prior work if you use it, yes, there are best practices in re-use, but it isn’t about plagiairism. Plagiarism is simply a form of fraud in which you claim someone else’s intellectual work as your own. Self-plagiarism can’t as such be possible.
I have 2 major areas of expertise. Every year I am requested to write chapters on these topics for new handbooks, annual reviews, etc. I can’t rewrite every single sentence in chapters covering the same topic. I have started recommending other authors if I don’t feel I have anything new to add to a chapter authored in the last year or two.
Sometimes, seeking the agreement of “all those involved” is not the ethical choice.
Here’s an example:
Study 1 is presented in article 1, co-signed by A, B and C. At the time, they all worked for the same university.
Study 2 applies the measurement techniques of Study 1 on completely new data. The results contradict, or indicate that the validity of Study 1 is limited, after all. Study 2 is presented in a new Article 2, by researcher B. Researcher B, who works in a different university by now, presents comparisons of the Study 2 data with the Study 1 data (citing Article 1, of course).
Researchers A and C have a vested interest in not allowing researcher B to reproduce the material of Study 1, because they still want to claim that their Study 1 was ground-breaking.
Author C accuses author B of self-plagiarism, for having “re-used” the description of the methodology and having presented the results of the dataset of Study 1.
Let us now ponder: What course of action is in the interest of science? Putting out this information for everyone to judge, or muddying the waters with accusations of “self-plagiarism”?
“Seeking the agreement of all those involved” works when all those involved are honest scientists, with no other agenda than the pure pursuit of knowledge. Unfortunately, nowadays in academia, this is rarely the case.
I found this article really helpful. I’m at the stage in my career where I am writing a lot of review chapters on the same exact topic (aging consumers). They are for different outlets but same language. I find myself just rephrasing a lot of sentences but am fundamentally saying the same thing (working memory declines). I like the idea of having a focus, so one chapter is more pessimistic whereas another takes a more neutral tone. I also cite all my previous review chapters so I’m being as transparent as possible.