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Sarah Edmonds

November 24th, 2014

Event – “Brazil: Inclusive sustainable development?” with Marcelo Neri

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Sarah Edmonds

November 24th, 2014

Event – “Brazil: Inclusive sustainable development?” with Marcelo Neri

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Marcelo Neri, Minister for Strategic Affairs for Brazil
Marcelo Neri, Minister for Strategic Affairs for Brazil

Monday 1 December 2014, 6:30-8pm

Brazil: inclusive sustainable development?

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE
Speaker: Brazilian Minister for Strategic Affairs, Marcelo Neri
Chair: Professor James Putzel

About the event

Minister Neri will talk about the growth of social welfare in Brazil during the last twenty years, and its determinants. How have growth and distribution of incomes evolved in Brazil? What has been the role played by various public policies (such as income transfers, housing, technical education etc)? How have different groups (organized by gender, race, region etc) performed? Is Brazil becoming a middle class country? What about the middle income trap with respect to other BRICS countries? How sustainable are the observed changes? What is the new agenda on social policies in the country for the next 10 years?

About the speaker

Marcelo Neri is Minister for Strategic Affairs for Brazil; has a PhD in Economics from Princeton University. Founder of the Center for Social Policies (CPS) at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV); teaches at  EPGE/FGV. Edited books on Microcredit; Social Security; Diversity; Rural Poverty; Bolsa Familia; Consumption and Middle Class. He was secretary general of the Council of Economic and Social Development (CDES) and president of the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea). He evaluated policies in more than two dozen countries and designed and implemented policies at three government levels in Brazil.

More information

This event is free and open to all with no ticket or pre-registration required. Entry will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Please direct any queries to

About the author

Sarah Edmonds

Posted In: Events


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