Donatella M. Viola
Assistant Professor in Politics and International Relations, University of Calabria, Italy
Thesis Title: European Foreign Policy and the European Parliament in the 1990s: An Investigation into the Role and Voting Behaviour of the European Parliament’s Political Groups (1999)
Supervisor: Professor Christopher Hill
“The Routledge Handbook of European Elections, forwarded by J.H.H. Weiler, explores the multifaceted dimension of the European Parliament’s (EP) electoral contests across the European Union since 1979. The volume aims to enhance readers’ understanding of the European Parliament and revive their interest in the European integration process. By providing a wide range of national and European facts and figures, this investigation represents a comprehensive reference guide to scholars, practitioners, and students of the European Parliament, European elections, political parties, European Union and comparative politics. Should you be interested, you may find further information here.”