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Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia

June 22nd, 2016

Parliamentary Launch – Cohousing: Shared Futures

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia

June 22nd, 2016

Parliamentary Launch – Cohousing: Shared Futures

1 comment | 5 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


LSE London and its ESRC Seminar Series partners launched their final report ‘Cohousing: Shared Futures’ in Parliament on the 22 June. The launch was held in the Boothroyd Room of Portcullis House (PCH) and was hosted by Richard Bacon MP.

The morning began with a moving and fitting tribute to Jo Cox MP, tragically murdered last week, who had been invited to speak at the event because of her inspirational work with the Hermitage Community Moorings at Hermitage Wharf, in Wapping, where her visions for justice and societal progress translated into a unique form of cooperative living and community support.

Read Helen Jarvis’s tribute here.

The event then included a presentation of findings by the academic team, that can be accessed here; and responses by a panel of distinguished speakers, including:

The report presents the main findings of a wide-ranging two-year knowledge-exchange programme carried out in partnership with the UK Cohousing Network involving cohousing practitioners and academics. The central message is that wider adoption of cohousing and other community-housing approaches could benefit not only residents themselves but the neighbourhoods around them and the wider housing market. The report sets an agenda for policy makers, practitioners and researchers in the years ahead.

KathThis launch followed directly from our sixth and final seminar in the project series, held at the LSE on 21 of June on ‘Mainstreaming cohousing in urban development–barriers to knowledge transfer’. Please visit this site for all outputs, including a livestream from the day, and a video summarising our project and its core activities.

Please visit our ‘Collaborative Housing and Community Resilienceproject website for more information on the seminar series and its associated site visits and outputs.



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Related documentation and links

Click here to download a copy of the report.

Fernandez and Scanlon’s presentation of ‘Cohousing Shared Futures’ can be found here.

LSE’s press release can be found here.

Click here to view a video summarising the observations, results, and outcomes of action research that looked at how cohousing might address the UK housing crisis

About the author

Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia

Posted In: Alternative Housing