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Kath Scanlon

Fanny Blanc

May 11th, 2020

Survey information – Sharing a home under coronavirus

4 comments | 7 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Kath Scanlon

Fanny Blanc

May 11th, 2020

Survey information – Sharing a home under coronavirus

4 comments | 7 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Name of Researchers: Kath Scanlon and Fanny Blanc, LSE London (

Thank you for considering participating in our study, which will take place in May and June of 2020. This webpage outlines the purpose of the study and provides a description of your involvement and rights as a participant if you agree to take part.

This is the link to join the survey:

1. What is the research about? In the past 20 years, London’s lived density has risen, as the number of Londoners living with other adults (largely but not exclusively young single people) has gone up by a nearly a third. Many live in as little as 10m² of personal space with only the kitchen as a common area, as living rooms are used as bedrooms. The current lockdown conditions, which require many people to work from home, will pose extraordinary challenges for those sharing homes with other adults—including partners or parents. This research will assess the performance of shared homes under unique conditions of stress.

Our overarching research questions are:

1)         How do residents of multi-adult shared homes experience working from home/furlough conditions under lockdown?  What are the main physical and social challenges and how are they resolved?

2)         What features of shared homes enhance or detract from their physical and social performance now?

This project is a collaboration between LSE London and Pocket Living.

2. Do I have to take part? It is up to you to decide whether to take part in this online survey. Completing the survey will be considered informed consent.

3. How do I withdraw from the study? You can withdraw from the study at any point by not continuing to respond to the survey. If you choose to withdraw from the study none of your responses will be recorded.

4. What will my information be used for? We will use the information to produce a joint LSE London/Pocket research report, and may also use it as part of an academic paper

5. Will my taking part and my data be kept confidential? Will it be anonymised? Your responses are confidential and you will not be personally identified. Neither Pocket nor LSE will know who responded to the survey invitation, and your decision about whether or not to take part in the survey will not affect your likelihood of being offered a Pocket home.

6. Who has reviewed this study? This study has undergone ethics review in accordance with the LSE Research Ethics Policy and Procedure.

7. Data Protection Privacy Notice The LSE Research Privacy Policy can be found at: Division/Assets/Documents/Information-Records-Management/Privacy-Notice-for-Research-v1.1.pdf

8. What if I have a question or complaint? If you have any questions regarding this study please contact the researcher, Kath Scanlon (  f you have any concerns or complaints regarding the conduct of this research, please contact the LSE Research Governance Manager via .

About the author

Kath Scanlon

Kath Scanlon is Distinguished Policy Fellow at LSE London. She has a wide range of research interests including comparative housing policy, comparative mortgage finance, and migration. Her research is grounded in economics but also draws on techniques and perspectives from other disciplines including geography and sociology.

Fanny Blanc

Fanny is a Policy Officer at LSE London where she carries out policy-oriented analysis and public engagement in the fields of housing and urban planning. She is co-author of several reports targeted at policy makers and practitioners including Residents’ experience of high-density housing in London and A 21st Century Metropolitan Green Belt. Fanny is also in charge of events at LSE London and has developed the ‘London Talks’ with Nancy Holman & Alan Mace since January 2019.

Posted In: Housing Crisis