LSE London has submitted written evidence on a number of the fundamental issues that the Plan addresses. The submissions are as follows (click here to view all of our submissions in one document; click here to view all written submissions from the GLA website):
- Matter M1 on the treatment of choices between spatial strategies in the Plan’s Integrated Impact Assessment
- Matter M10 and Matter M11 on the adequacy of development provision under the Plan’s Sustainable Intensification strategy, and the potential for increasing this with a London Green Belt review and/or collaborative development with willing partners elsewhere in the Wider South East;
- Matter M16 on the Plan’s proposals for further developing such collaboration
- Matter M17, Matter M18, and Matter M19 on the Plan’s treatment of housing requirements, housing strategy sand housing supply/targets
- Matter M24 on the Plan’s policies for supply of affordable housing
- Matter M39 on the Plan’s treatment of issues relating to density and form in residential developments
- Matter M65 on the Plan’s proposed policies toward Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land
With our submissions, we aim to raise the level of debate around the draft London Plan and to input substantial and empirical evidence into the Examination in Public (EiP). Our written submissions bring together the findings from a range of research undertaken at LSE, particularly LSE London, on topics that lie at the core of the draft London Plan including housing, urban form, and London’s relationship with the rest of the South East. The underlying research informing our written submissions include:
- a series of HEIF/KEI projects on accelerating housing development in London which identify specific barriers to speeding delivery and specific policy suggestions:
- Scanlon, K., Whitehead, C.M.E., and Blanc, F. (2018). A Sustainable Increase in London’s Housing Supply? Final report. London: LSE London. Knowledge Exchange and Impact fund.
- Whitehead, C.M.E., Scanlon, K., & Holman, N. (2016). Rising to the Challenge: London’s Housing Crisis. Final report. Higher Education and Innovation Fund, HEIF 5.
- Holman, N., Fernández, M., Scanlon, K., Whitehead, C.M.E. (2015). Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis. Higher Education and Innovation Fund, HEIF 5.
- a set of projects for the GLA which examined density policies in London and their outcomes as well as their potential to improve productivity:
- Gordon, I. & Whitehead, C.M.E. (17 Nov 2016). Why else is density important? (London Plan Density Research Project 5). Greater London Authority: Mayor of London.
- Gordon, I. Mace, A., & Whitehead, C.M.E. (17 Nov 2016). Defining, measuring and implementing density standards in London. (London Plan Density Research Project 1). Greater London Authority: Mayor of London.
- research for the GLA into residents’ experience of living in high-density developments in the capital:
- Scanlon, K., White, T., and Blanc, F. (June 2018). Residents’ experience of high-density housing in London. LSE London/LSE Cities. Final report. Greater London Authority.
- studies of the Green Belt both within and outside the GLA boundary and potential improvements in achieving land use objectives:
- Mace, A. Mossa, A. and Blanc, F. (2018). The London-Cambridge Corridor: making more of green belt. Final report. Knowledge Exchange and Impact fund.
- Mace, A., Gordon, I., Scanlon, K., & Blanc, F. (2016). A 21st Century Metropolitan Green Belt. Final report. Higher Education and Innovation Fund, HEIF 5.
- research into the role of overseas buyers in the London new-build housing market:
- Scanlon, K., Whitehead, C., Blanc, F. & Moreno-Tabarez, U. (2017). The role of overseas investors in the London new-build residential market. Final report for Homes for London.
- research into patterns of migration between London and the South East and their impact on housing costs and provision, which link to broader based projects looking at household projections:
- Gordon, I., Champion, T., McDonald, N. & Whitehead, C. (2017). Review of Research on Migration Influences and Implications for Population Dynamics in the Wider South East: Providing state of the art evidence to local authorities in the East of England. Report to the East of England Local Government Association.
- research into the current and future role of the private rented sector, and the potential of purpose-built Build to Rent schemes:
- Savills, with Whitehead, C. and Scanlon, K. (2017). Unlocking the benefits and potential of build to rent. Report for Savills.
- research into the role of planning in managing short term lettings:
- Holman, N. & Mossa, A. HEIF 5 Report: Market VS Planning: is Deregulation the answer? HEIF 5. 10 October 2016.
- research into mechanisms for financing affordable housing in London:
- Williams, P. and Whitehead, C.M.E. Financing affordable housing in the UK: building on success? The Quarterly Journal of the International Union for Housing Finance. June 2015.
This is a large body of research, mostly completed in the last two years, which taken together can help to inform London Plan decisions.
Our blog ( contains more research outputs such as blogs summarising events, publications and videos summarising our work.