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George Li

October 13th, 2023

How the CEMS exchange programme prepared me for my career

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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

George Li

October 13th, 2023

How the CEMS exchange programme prepared me for my career

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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

We caught up with George Li, LSE CEMS Exchange Student 2022, who discussed his time on the CEMS exchange programme here at LSE, and how it contributed to and influenced his internship at Jardine Matheson, CEMS Corporate Partner.

Thanks to its diverse range of campus career events, I had the privilege of becoming acquainted with and applying for the internship opportunity at one of CEMS’ esteemed corporate partners, Jardine Matheson.

Here’s how my CEMS experience prepared me for my role and contributed to my success:

Cross-Cultural Collaboration

One of the standout aspects of the CEMS degree was the diverse cohort of classmates from around the world. The cross-cultural team-building skills honed during my CEMS experience were especially crucial in a multinational corporation like Jardines. I was able to navigate cultural nuances, communicate effectively, and build strong working relationships across borders.

Global Business Perspective

The curriculum at LSE, particularly the CEMS course on Global Business Strategy, offered me a strategic lens to understand how multinational corporations navigate the complexities of an ever-changing global landscape. This course was directly applicable to Jardines, a conglomerate with significant international operations.

I could relate the theories and frameworks learned in London to real-world scenarios in my internship experience, gaining insights into how Jardines globalises itself and maintains a competitive edge in diverse institutional environments in Asia.

Social Impact and Sustainability

The CEMS Block Seminar at LSE, focusing on the combination of social impact and business, resonated deeply with me. It also aligned with Jardines’ longstanding commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.

During my internship, I was fortunate to contribute to Jardines’ collaborative efforts to promote mental health within our communities. This experience was particularly fulfilling, as it allowed me to contribute meaningfully to a cause that aligned with my personal values, the company’s mission, and the legacy of my LSE education.

The CEMS degree served as a transformative springboard to launch my career, equipping me with the skillset and knowledge necessary to excel in multinational corporations.


Learn more about the Global Master’s in Management programme

About the author

George Li

CEMS Graduate 2023

Posted In: Career insights | The Student Lens

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