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Contribute to the Marshall Institute’s Social Business Hub blog

The Marshall Institute’s Social Business Hub blog encourages submissions from LSE staff, students and alumni. External contributors are welcome to propose ideas to the Institute, and the Institute may approach individuals, including faculty, students or external contributors, as relevant.

We are interested in submissions covering a wide range of topics such as philanthropy, entrepreneurship, social impact, and business sustainability. We welcome non-academic related subject matters related to your time at the Institute and in London.

To submit a blog post for consideration, please contact the Marshall Institute (

Style Guide

Length and format

Approximately 800-1000 words, written in an accessible to the general public way.

Please send the draft article in Word format, with your name, short bio and a headshot at the top. Please include your Twitter handle if possible.

We accept blog submissions in written style, video or a combination.

Audience, writing style and language 

Your post should be written with a relatively wide audience in mind, including policy-makers and other non-academics. Please also keep in mind that our audience is very international.

Try to use a natural style and avoid jargon, acronyms and academic terms.

Please try to avoid using introductory phrases such as “In this paper I will…”, or “This paper aims to…” and go straight into your discussion.

As with journalistic pieces, ‘lead with the best.’ Don’t save your main argument or analysis until the end of the post.

Write your article as a standalone piece; avoid relying too heavily on information contained in external sources.

Choose a short and engaging title.


We use links rather than citations for references. Links should direct readers to more detailed reports or other pieces of research, news items or other blog posts.

Please insert a hyperlink at the relevant point of your argument that you’d like to reference. The easiest way to insert a hyperlink in Word is to copy the address of the website, highlight the phrase you’d like to appear as a link in the text and press “ctrl” and “k”. This will bring up an option menu that allows you to paste in the web address.



Articles posted on this blog give the views of the author(s), and not the position of the Marshall Institute, nor of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Creative commons

All content on this blog is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.

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