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October 25th, 2012

The Summer is Over…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


October 25th, 2012

The Summer is Over…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

After a summer that you found far too short, you are now back at LSE. You may have been interning, travelling, volunteering or just chilling out at your parents’, but now you have to face a new year of reading or solving problem sets. Those of you who interned at Goldman Sachs may be relieved and may have been looking forward to October; but for most of us, getting into the routine again is going to be hard.

I am happy to be back though. Having spent the summer travelling in Central Europe, I did miss London. I missed the buzz of the big city, the open-mindedness and diversity of the people, and I even missed the rain when I was in Provence! And of course, I missed my friends. I am looking forward to sharing with them my exciting summer and hearing about their even-more-exciting adventures.

I did enjoy wasting time without feeling guilty though, but I am glad this period is restricted to a few months in the summer. I missed self-discipline and productive time management. And I’m looking forward to reading for my course! I feel much better prepared now than I did in my first year. Knowing what my course is actually about, and with the experience of the exams in mind, the uncertainties I had last year have been replaced by the confidence that I now know what is expected from me.

I am also much better equipped to study here. I have learnt that, at LSE, simple words like reading and thinking have a different meaning. Reading for instance means ‘looking for what will be useful for that particular week’s topic’ and not ‘reading every word from every chapter which seems to be vaguely related to the module’s title’. This diminishes greatly the amount of reading I will be doing and will leave plenty of time to think in depth about issues which interest me. I am sure this will make studying much more enjoyable!

I wish you all a good start of term!

About the author


BSc International Relations

Posted In: LSE

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