Post dedicated to students who for some reason were worried about exams! This happened in Summer term this year.
That’s right guys! Of all the crazy things to have happened on campus, this has to be the craziest! Right in the middle of exams (don’t ask) the LSE SU organised a petting zoo on Houghton Street! All these super cute animals surrounded by hay, ready to be petted and absorb our love (and alleviate the exam stress). It was amazing!
It was also hilarious watching people pose to take pictures with a donkey! I would NEVER do that. *runs to change his FB display pic* so yeah. In the bonhomie of trying to feed the chickens (pause for irony) and making the ducks quack, we forgot all about the exams for a good hour and a half!
Must look into the qualifications needed to be a zoo keeper.