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July 1st, 2013

Zumba-ing my way through!

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


July 1st, 2013

Zumba-ing my way through!

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I have been receiving some emails with queries about school and life around school in general. After replying to some of them, I came to the conclusion (Yes I waited for a few more emails. I realized that studies are getting to me when I need evidence to conclude the simplest of things), that people are actually reading the blog posts we put up and it does give them an insight of the things we do as students and otherwise. For me that is equal to mission accomplished.

Exams are on in full swing and I have had enough by now. The intense feeling of relief that sweeps through me after each exam is equally swiftly marred by the pending gloom of the next exam. As of today while writing this post, I still have 2 more exams to go. But the brighter side of it is that before I realize it, the exams will be done and I will be grappling with a sense of uselessness that usually comes once exams are over. From sleepless nights and different reactions to stress to having absolutely nothing to do, it seems pretty inconceivable right now.

My stress buster for the exams has been, no not loads of coffee, but Zumba. One day after a quick lunch at the 4th floor cafeteria, I happened to notice a flyer at the cafeteria and that’s when I got to know that LSE has Zumba classes every Tuesday and Friday in the Old Building gym. My first class was a fortnight before exams started. I thought it might not be a good idea to start something like this before exams, however, since I started, I have been going back every week. You don’t need to be a professional dancer to take the class. If they had that criteria, I would have never been there. All you need is a pair of running/training shoes, comfortable clothes, gallons of water and lots of enthusiasm. Your energy levels might vary through the songs, but in my opinion, you will end up grooving to most of the songs. I wouldn’t call myself the fittest person on earth and some songs make me feel like my lungs will burst and my tongue hangs out in exhaustion. But that’s just me 😀 It’s a great workout and it completely refreshes your mind. It makes me feel very good and for that one hour I leave behind all my readings, notes and slides and come out recharged to get back to the whole rigmarole of studies. The classes have been  scheduled once a week till exam time and like I tell myself, 2 more Zumba classes to the end of exams. Happy studying to all of you who still have exams to write 🙂

About the author


MSc International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management.

Posted In: LSE


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