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January 7th, 2013

The Game is On!

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


January 7th, 2013

The Game is On!

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

You realise when you get to third year that the game is on! Most of us are juggling our studies and perhaps a dissertation, with intense competition for a place on a graduate scheme. If you’re “lucky” enough to be interested in the normal LSE streams, i.e. investment banking, consulting or finance, expect to be swamped with applications in Michaelmas term of your third year.

While it’s difficult to maintain high levels of commitment to your studies, to your job hunt, and to anything else you might have going on, the important thing is to keep on top of it all! Right now, I just want to hibernate, but the secret is to shake off those pyjamas and get on with it.

If you’re a prospective student you might need these FOUR handy tips later on in life:

If you feel stuck in a rut, try doing something completely unrelated to your essay/application.
I have a cushion on the floor next to my wall in my room. Whenever I can’t seem to focus, I make myself to do a set of handstand push-ups. Saying ‘I can do this’ and completing a set, makes me feel good. Or maybe, it’s just the rush of blood to the head that gets those neurons firing again. Unfortunately, I haven’t plucked up the courage to do that in the library – but part of me thinks we would be so much more productive if mass exercises were orchestrated like they do in China.


Make sure you have switch-off time
I have two extremes: extremely active me, who loves hitting the gym and lifting heavy weights or the extremely lazy version which enjoys Netflix and an evening spent in bed. Either way, pursuing or being pursued by something unrelated to your studies, helps you to approach your work refreshed and more enthusiastic; much better than the tired, un-enthusiastic person you’ll be if you end up fretting over your work every minute of the day.

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
When I tell people at LSE I sleep 8 hours a night… it’s true, I do get crazy looks which makes me almost feel guilty. LSE students according to popular myth spend 5 hours in bed. That’s not enough time. If you want to perform your best, sleep is your best friend, allowing your body to repair itself and provide you with enough energy to face another day.

Reward yourself, but not too soon
I’m looking forward to a hiking trip in the Alps and savouring the Mediterranean Sea off Turkey next summer. Everything I do with a mental smile, knowing that in several months it’ll all be over and I’ll have hot sand between my toes and one of the longest summers of freedom before all hell breaks loose again!


About the author


BSc Philosphy, Logic & Scientific Method

Posted In: LSE | Off Campus


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