It’s been a crazy few weeks, what with my computer breaking down and an insane amount of essays due. I’ve been a little lax in posting, and so here’s what I’ve been up to for the last two weeks! Spoiler: there was a lot of travelling.
Last weekend I went up to Stoke-on-Trent, which is a city in Staffordshire that was once, and really still is, the center of the British ceramics and pottery industry. I was staying with family friends and had a lovely weekend (a) taking a long walk around The Roaches, (b) eating lots of delicious crepes and masala dosai, and (c) visiting a toilet museum. Yes, that actually happened. It was the best thing ever. Here’s a picture:
I won’t go into great detail about how fascinating I found this museum, because it would likely bore you to tears, but suffice it to say that it was awesome. After returning home, I polished off quite a bit of reading and half an essay, organized a Pub Crawl for the students of the General Course whom I represent, and packed for my next trip, which was up to Scotland. I’ve written about my trips north before, and I think I’ve mentioned that I’ve got three sets of aunts and uncles, plus a grandmother, scattered around the greater Edinburgh area.
In any case, this trip was to my dad’s younger sister’s family, and started out with a night out in Edinburgh at my cousin Sam’s flat, complete with two of my other cousins, Ben and Chris. We’re each the children of a different Watt child, and for whatever reason the night devolved from relatively nice pictures like this …
… to pictures like this:
So that was exciting. After spending a night on Sam’s couch, we miraculously caught a 9:30ish train out to Dunblane, where we were met by my Aunt and Uncle and treated to a riotously good breakfast of eggs and bacon and that sort of deliciousness. This run of good fortune either continued or ended, depending on your perspective, a few hours later when I was recruited to go hillwaking up Ben A’an, near the Trossachs. It looked like the Indiana Jones mountain:
Despite not being the most athletic of sorts, I scrambled my way up to the top and took a celebratory picture:
And that was my trip! I visited a little with my grandmother and some other relatives (it was Mother’s Day in Britain yesterday) and then caught a long train back to London last night, on which the toilets broke. That was lovely. Until next week!