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January 16th, 2014

The road to graduation 1: Exam result anxiety


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


January 16th, 2014

The road to graduation 1: Exam result anxiety


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

There are two kinds of people in this world – those who are stressed before exams, and those who are stressed before the results.

~ Sanger, 2013

I am, as you may have guessed, the second type of person. As the release date for provisional results came closer and closer my dreams were filled with my dissertation chasing me down Houghton Street and my results being announced on the radio! After months of not visiting it, there I was again, on LSE for You, hitting ‘refresh’ repeatedly as if I was trying to register for a Careers event!

Even after trying really hard, I couldn’t remember how I’d felt after each exam, how many marks I expected etc. It had been just so long! But the thing that scared me the most was the dissertation. It was an effort intensive, time constrained labour of love and I had no clue how it would be assessed. It was on a topic close to my heart – radio – and I hoped that would come through in my writing. At the same time, I wanted it to be logical, analytical and objective. Basically, face palm.

So, mid-November. No nails left. Email open 24 hours.  LSE MIM Facebook page on auto refresh. Finally, an email, results were out – such conflict! I wanted to know my results but only if I’d done well. If not, I wanted them to magically disappear. Or change to good results! With a fair amount of dread, LSE for You was opened. Log in. Exam results.  Great success! Done with the dissertation, a good overall classification and I was suddenly 10,000 kilos lighter!

Phew, a successful end to two years of hard work and intermittent partying.

Onward to graduation!

About the author


Master’s in Management (MiM)

Posted In: LSE

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