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December 19th, 2014

As The First Term Comes To A Close…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


December 19th, 2014

As The First Term Comes To A Close…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It seems like time should not move this quickly, especially when there are moments where I have counted down seconds that seem to get me nowhere. But sure enough, seconds turn to minutes, one minute turns into sixty and the weeks start passing by. Suddenly, months are gone. And here we are. December.

When I think about it, ten weeks per term is not a lot of time in the grand scheme of life. Maybe it is the fast-paced style of city life that makes everything seem like it’s flying by. On one hand, it feels like I haven’t been in London for very long. At the same time, it feels like forever. Either way, in less than a week, it will be time to take a break from London and return home for the holidays.

While I am excited about the Christmas holiday coming up (and not having to think about lectures and problem sets and essays), it’s hard not to reflect on my time here already – what I have done and what I hope to do when I get back. When you live in the center of London, there is so much at your fingertips. Museums, parks, food, people, events…And now, as I’m preparing to leave, all the Christmas markets have started popping up. Everything is so accessible – a short bus (if you’re lucky with traffic) or tube ride away, if not a ten minute walk down the street. Every day is an adventure waiting to happen.

As easy as it is to have so much right at your doorstep, one important lesson I have learned this term is to be proactive – although the irony is that I haven’t been very proactive with my blog posts. When it comes to school, this seems pretty self-explanatory. It does takes effort to get assignments done and wake up for class. But that’s essentially why we’re here at the LSE – to learn. Maybe it’s my type-A personality talking, but if I can, I like to get a head start on my assignments. Sometimes it can be difficult when more and more keeps adding to the pile. It saves the time spent worrying about starting the assignment for less anxiety-inducing things. And that feeling of finishing your problem set days before it’s due is one of the best feelings in the world. When it comes to internships, it’s always in your best interest to be proactive as well. That’s how you get opportunities to try new things and to get more out of the experience. And even if you don’t have an internship, it never hurts to be proactive in your search. Go to events and network. Reach out to a company you’re interested in and inquire about the possibility of interning. Though it may be a bit nerve-wracking not knowing if there will be a response, what’s the worst that can happen?

When I’m not in class or being called to work, I will admit that it’s so easy to stay indoors all day in your pajamas, especially as the days get colder and there are days when there’s not a ray of sunshine in sight. But even if it’s just a quick walk to the park or the British Museum, there’s an adventure waiting to happen. It’s hard to time the perfect sunny day, but London is beautiful in any weather. Since you last heard from me, I’ve had the chance to visit Camden and Borough Market, take walks on very beautiful days at Hyde and Regents Park, attend my first movie premiere in Leicester Square, fly to Amsterdam for a weekend, and even see Simon Cowell at X-Factor rehearsals.

So much has happened this term and while I feel extraordinarily lucky, it’s not pure 100% luck. It’s a matter of going out and finding opportunities. Adventure is out there – you just have to go out and find it. When I think about everything I have gotten to achieve in these past few months, it is so hard to think about leaving London, even if just for a few weeks. With just an academic year here, I know that every moment counts. One term may be coming to a close, but there are two more that I have yet to conquer. So while I’m enjoying my break (and hoping that you are too), I’ll be planning for my return. Hoping the rest of you are all enjoying this last week and happy holidays!

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Posted In: Student life

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