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Freya Doughty

January 10th, 2018

Looking back on Michaelmas Term: Part 1


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Freya Doughty

January 10th, 2018

Looking back on Michaelmas Term: Part 1


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The first term of graduate life is over – so now I can look back (fondly) and reflect upon both what I did wrong and what I wish I had done. This blog entry will detail my experiences so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!

Balance, balance, balance:

As with every term of postgraduate study, the weeks will be hectic and jam packed. The course content, the friendship groups and the city itself are all brand new – for anyone that’s a lot to get to grips with! As each week passed, naturally certain aspects became more significant and others less so. The first fortnight was focused on getting to know the city and my course mates – the remaining weeks became not just primarily dedicated to my studies, but solely.

Whilst I was happy with the formative marks I received, I certainly missed out on law socials, fantastic evenings out with friends and some great films and concerts. Next term, I’ll definitely make more of an effort to balance my studies with down time. Good grades are just as important as looking after your mental health and wellbeing. With so much happening in this wonderful city, it won’t be hard to find something to do!

Utilising LSE’s other facilities:

During welcome week we are told about the vast array of additional ways LSE can help us during our time here – whether that be careers advice, tips for essay writing or even public lectures to learn more about our disciplines from experts. As someone wanting to pursue a PhD, the ‘Thinking of doing a PhD in Law’ session was insightful and useful. Additionally, just as a fan of Baroness Chakrabarti the LSE Law public event of ‘The Role of the Attorney General: in Conversation with Shami Chakrabarti’ was a wonderful way to spend a Thursday evening.

However – there’s so much more going on! As Lent term approaches – and the time for job applications grows ever closer – I wish I’d made use of the careers service and various other talks held. For those of us that don’t have jobs already lined up, ‘How to Write Effective Cover Letters’ and ‘Tailoring your CV for Legal Applications‘ should be your first port of call. So, future LLM-ers, get to it!

Also, as I’m sure any legal student knows, commercial awareness is imperative. LSE Law host countless informative events with leading experts – we are blessed to have these on our doorstep so regularly, and for free! I know I’ll be topping up my commercial knowledge with a few events next term – the session discussing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights looks of particular interest.


Like many others, I went along to the Welcome Fair to find the right societies for me. The Student’s Union had plenty, and I had great intentions of signing up to those that had piqued my interest… but, alas, that didn’t quite happen! With hindsight I wish I’d joined at least one straight away, to start with everybody else. With over 200 societies on offer, there was, and is, something for everyone – including me! To find that Lent term ‘balance’ Women Leaders of Tomorrow, Law Society or the Fashion Society sound right up my street.

I was fortunate enough to make some great friends through my course but if you are struggling to meet people, societies are the way to go. Or, even if you have an abundance of friends, I’m sure there’s always room for a few more!


Stay tuned for part 2: everything that went right in Michelmas term!

About the author

Freya Doughty

I’m a smiley, creative LLM student and can usually be found wherever there is caffeine! I want to dedicate my life to international human rights and have a love of vegan food, live jazz and every single dog.

Posted In: Student life

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