We’re almost there! Two-thirds of our course is done and we just have a short leg of the race left to run. That being the case, I figured now would be the perfect time to interview a few of my classmates, from MiM Class of 2019, to get an idea about what they like about the course and what they are taking back from this entire experience. The results were quite uniform, slightly surprising and a bit touchy-feely. Read on to find out.
To be as fair as possible, I spoke to a wide variety of people. There are approximately 90 of us, each with a truckload of work, so it wasn’t feasible to ask everyone. Hence, I settled with asking around 40% of them because I figured that would be a good representative of the entire class and get rid of sampling bias (trying to implement what I learnt in Business Analysis, haha!). I asked them all the same question, ‘what would you not change about the LSE MiM?’ and here are the answers in descending order.
In fourth place is, ELECTIVES! The electives offered in our programme cover a variety of interests and are both fascinating and fun. Many of my classmates mentioned wanting to have the option to choose more electives! Of course, this doesn’t mean we want fewer core modules. In fact, I was told by a classmate that the number is just right as we were able to get a general understanding of the business field.
Alex Banks and Farhana Chowdhury
The third most common point in the ‘things we wouldn’t change’ was Farhana and Alex, our MiM Office Team. They are both so approachable, always ready to help with any queries and were happy to provide a helping hand since day one, to make the MiM programme a great experience for us. This was acknowledged by many of my classmates and myself.
Diversity and exposure
We had a tie for this one! The MiM Class of 2019 didn’t fail to notice and appreciate the diversity- not just in the classroom with respect to other peers’ nationality, educational background, industry experience, etc., but also in terms of the options provided (like the electives mentioned above), the style of teaching from each professor, the types of coursework – there’s variety in everything! We’re also exposed to so much. As mentioned in my previous post, we have a wide variety of events organised by both the MiM and the School, networking receptions, soft skills training at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, a Leadership module and to top it all off, a trip to Berlin which is a part of the syllabus. Needless to say, we truly get international exposure and it doesn’t hurt that we’re located right in the centre of London.
And finally, in first place, we have… *drumroll please*
Unanimously, the top response to the one thing the class wouldn’t change, was the class itself 🙂 More than the glamour of ‘life at LSE’, the things learnt and the industry connections gained through LSE, it is the memories, friendships and experiences shared together that will be with us even after we finish our programme. I was pleasantly surprised to hear “People!” being repeated each and every time I asked my classmates what they wouldn’t change and I now realise that it’s very true. Somewhere in the midst of the stress, the deadlines, the confused nights at the library, the fits of frustration, and let’s not forget the fun times as well :P, we made strong bonds with those around us. And that is the number one thing that we wouldn’t change if we were to do this all over again.