I have to be honest – I’m not a big library studier. Although the library has so many study spots, that studying style is just not for me. I like to find different places on campus to work and try to change it up as often as I can. So far, I’ve found a few places that I keep returning to – here’s a few of my favorites:
The 11th floor of the Centre Building
If you’re lucky enough to grab one of the few seats next to a table on the 11th floor, you’re set! No matter which direction you’re facing, the floor-to-ceiling windows let you see for miles, across London and even beyond.
The Social Policy common room
If you’re lucky enough to be part of a department that has a common room, take advantage of it! Not only is it a great place to study and get work done, but it is also a fun social environment to catch up with friends and talk about your courses.
The 6th floor of the Student Union building
This spot is only a recent discovery for me. After taking one of the SU’s fitness classes on the 6th floor of the building, I realized I had been missing out on a cute café, dining space, and outdoor patio. It’s quiet and out of the way which makes for an ideal environment to get lots of readings done. It does seem to fill up around lunchtime though.
It wasn’t until I attended a Digital Skills Lab Excel course that I realized LSE had a floor in the Aldwych building, the building across the street from Australia House. It seems more like an office building when you walk in, but LSE is on the third floor. They have a few really comfortable over-sized chairs along the walls that are a perfect place to study if you’re looking for a few hours of uninterrupted silence.
Anywhere outside! (When the weather permits, of course)
Alongside the beautiful buildings, LSE’s campus is full of outdoor seating and spaces great for writing that essay. Aside from the patios, roof spaces, and balconies sprinkled throughout campus, there are seats outside the library and New Academic Building, just waiting for the sun to come back and students to be able to enjoy the weather again.
I’m sure I missed a bunch of great spots, but I’m still looking!