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Cecily Chen

January 19th, 2021

4 Extremely Useful Items for Living in Shared Accommodation

0 comments | 9 shares

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Cecily Chen

January 19th, 2021

4 Extremely Useful Items for Living in Shared Accommodation

0 comments | 9 shares

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

An integral part of the LSE experience is exploring the vibrant London metropolis. But living in the big city comes at exorbitant costs. Therefore, whether at university halls or private residences, students likely find themselves staying in flatshares. Having stayed in several student flats since moving out, I’d like to think of myself as somewhat qualified to comment on sharing accommodation! It is always exciting to live with new people, however minor inconveniences can sometimes trouble the student household. But fret not, as I’ve found that these 4 items below can ease the ride along:

A Drain Cover

Shower drains clog often when more than 3 people are sharing one – and you absolutely won’t want to find out the things that come out of them. Buy a drain cover and save yourselves the horror of having to fish out months-old hair, dead skin cells and whatnot from your crummy waterpipes.

Toilet fragrances

There is something uniquely grotesque about walking into a room where someone else has just gone number two! Thankfully, advanced technology has devised a way to alleviate this most pressing suffering – enter bathroom sprays! These come in all forms, but I find the before-you-go options mask the smell much better.

A Communal Airer

At university halls, tumble dryers cost around £1.40 per use. An unnecessary expense when a communal airer can be found for a tenner at your local charity store. Your household can dry as much as you like at no extra cost, plus, it won’t ruin your woollens or fluffy jackets.

Label stickers (for things that really matter to you)

As it happens, when people live together sometimes things get mixed up. Other times your flatmates come home drunk at night and eat your lunch for tomorrow. To avoid misunderstandings and as a rule of thumb: label anything that really matters to you.

All jokes aside, sharing a flat with other people can be an extremely rewarding experience, and I would urge any student to make the most of it. With the above items in tow, you’d be off to an excellent start!

About the author

Cecily Chen

Cecily is a 21 year old Global Msc student at the LSE. In her free time, she enjoys painting and reading science fiction novels.

Posted In: Accommodation | Student life

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