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March 3rd, 2021

Four Essentials for Sustainable Student Life

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


March 3rd, 2021

Four Essentials for Sustainable Student Life

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Let’s face it, we could all do with being more sustainable. Therefore, I’ve put together a list of four affordable and sustainable student life essentials. Please note that these are by no means exhaustive and I welcome other suggestions in the comments!

Plastic Waste, Environment, Pollution, Waste

Number 1: The Reusable Water Bottle

It’s 2021, surely plastic water bottles are a thing of the past? No! According to Refill, “the average UK household uses 480 plastic bottles a year, but only recycles 270 of them”. Nowadays, there are many affordable options available online and in many UK shops. So, if you haven’t already, please consider getting a reusable water bottle.

Number 2: Soap Bars

If it’s safe for you to do so, consider switching to soap bars. A lot of typical non-bar soap forms use unnecessary packaging that isn’t great for the environment. Soap bars are plastic-free, cheap and convenient. There are also many shampoo and conditioner bars on the market if you wish to be even more sustainable. Moreover, be sure to check that your soaps are cruelty-free by researching the brand online before you make a purchase.

Number 3: Second-Hand Clothes

A great way to increase your sustainability whilst still looking good is to buy, sell and donate more used items. I get it, we all want to look good and clothes are a huge part of that. But be careful, clever marketing campaigns can often make us feel like we need to purchase a brand new t-shirt when in actual fact, we really don’t. According to a UNEP report, the fast fashion industry “produces 20 per cent of global wastewater and 10 per cent of global carbon emissions”! Why not try arranging a clothes swap with your friends?

Number 4: Reusable Bags

Be sure to invest in reusable shopping bags to avoid using the ones provided at checkouts. For everyday shopping, a tote bag is great to carry around with you – especially now that many come with fun patterns on them. If you’re lucky, then you might catch LSE handing them out at the beginning of the academic year. In addition, for supermarket shopping and those “my fridge is empty” moments, have a few reliable and sturdy shopping bags on hand to take with you.

Check out LSE’s efforts toward sustainability and find out more from the following:

About the author


Hello! I am an Economics student at LSE.

Posted In: Student life


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