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April 21st, 2021

Part-Time Campus Jobs for LSE Students

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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes


April 21st, 2021

Part-Time Campus Jobs for LSE Students

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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

[Updated 15 May 2023]

LSE Alum and Outreach Coordinator Nazia shares the range of part-time roles on campus for LSE students. Great if you’re looking for a part-time role to accompany your studies!

LSE alum Cherry shared some of the many part-time paid opportunities available at LSE in her blog she wrote during her Master’s at LSE, so I thought it would be a good idea to write an updated post on some more part-time roles you can apply for when you join LSE. Read on to find out what they are and hear from past/current LSE students who have/are undertaking these roles too!

Student Ambassador

“If you’re a people person and looking for a job with lots of variety, being a Student Ambassador is the role for you! You’ll get the chance to meet a range of different people from different backgrounds and engage with them. I worked on a range of events/activities aimed towards prospective students, applicants and offer holders, including Open Days, Offer Holder Days, Campus Tours, Student Shadowing and so much more.

The duties are diverse, from assisting with the running of in-person events, leading campus tours, visiting schools and going to university fairs to promote LSE to prospective students, taking part in student panels to share your student experiences, working with students in classroom activities and lots more! One of my favourite opportunities I used to take part in was Student Shadowing, where I would have a group of Year 12 and 13 students join me for a couple of hours to attend a lecture of mine to get a flavour of LSE, as well as take them on a campus tour and run a mini Q&A session for them to answer any questions about being an LSE student. It was a really rewarding experience, both for the students and myself!

And the work is flexible to your schedule – if there is a job opportunity available and you’re available, you would just need to reply to the job request and then you’ll be told if you’ve been chosen. It’s that simple! And once you get the role of Student Ambassador, you don’t need to reapply each year as you can be a Student Ambassador for the whole time during your undergraduate degree. I really recommend applying to become a Student Ambassador!” – Nazia Taznim, LSE Alum, BSc Sociology.

Find out more about being a student ambassador here.

Please note, student ambassador posts are subject to availability each year. 

Occasional Research Assistant

As a PhD Student, there are many opportunities to apply as Occasional Research Assistant (ORA) roles within LSE’s research centres. If you’d like some extra work, discuss this with your supervisor or network with faculty. For instance, as I am based within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) for my PhD, and am working part-time of a research project which is not part of my PhD but on a similar topic. Some of my colleagues in Health Policy have worked at the Middle East Centre. I often hear of PhD students working within Departments as ORA/Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA).” – Camille Bou, MRes/PhD in Health Policy.

Student Vlogging

If you’re looking for something exciting and creative to take part in during your time at LSE, why not get involved in student vlogging! This part-time paid role allows you to create your own videos about your student journey as an LSE student, which are then uploaded onto LSE’s YouTube Channel. It’s a great way for prospective and current students to find out more about LSE.

Read our dedicated blogpost on Student Vlogging to hear from our Student Vloggers and check out their vlogs!

Student blogging

“In the first few weeks of starting at LSE, I received an email looking for bloggers to share experiences as an LSE student to be used as part of the university’s marketing to prospective students. I was keen to pick up some paid work as well as have my own project that wasn’t strictly related to my academic studies. I wrote an example blog to be reviewed, joined a Q&A call, and ever since have written several blogs per month that reflects my experiences as a Master’s student. I’ll spend some time exploring more of London, taking pictures, or interviewing peers for the blogs, and have really enjoyed dedicating some time to interesting paid work where I’m allowed a lot of creative freedom.” – Kit Digby, MSc Empires, Colonialism and Globalisation.

Check out Kit’s blogs here.

“As a student blogger, I have really enjoyed engaging with prospective and current LSE students. There is a lot of independence to choose an interesting topic and write your blog. The role is open to LSE students that submit a successful mock blog – I’d highly recommend it!” – Charlie Graver, BSc Economics.

Check out Charlie’s blogs here.


Find out more here. Departments also have blogging opportunities (paid and unpaid) so be sure to check out what’s on offer in your department!

Student Tutor

I was a Student Tutor from January to March 2020. I taught Mathematics to a group of 4 students. I found the role really enjoyable. The application process consisted of filling out a personal statement and attending an interview. I had to travel to a school to conduct after-school classes for the students there. The classes were 1 hour long class and lasted for 8 weeks (would be 10 but interrupted due to COVID-19). I developed strong communication and planning skills through preparing for and delivering my lessons. I would recommend this role to anyone.” – Muhammad Rafay Butt, BSc Actuarial Science.

Find out more about being a student tutor and other ways to get involved with Widening Participation here.

Academic/Departmental Roles

There’s also a range of part-time roles available in various departments at LSE which you can find through various avenues, such as searching on LSE’s jobsearch platform for students CareerHub, or in your department. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Michelle Munyi, BSc Economic History – Research Assistant for a professor in the Department of Economic History.

How did you find the role? “I found the role through another member of the department. I expressed an interest in African economic history and scored a high grade on an independent research so that I was later referred to help the professor with writing their book.”

What does the role consist of? “Mainly going over literature and typing up notes which will help the professor when writing the book. This includes reading, analysing diagrams, and making clear concise notes.”

What skills I have developed? “Time management, managing expectations, how to read effectively and write notes efficiently.”

Do you recommend the role? “Yes, because it is an interesting and unique role where you get to be involved in the research process and understand how books are written. It is a great learning experience to delve into a topic and work closely with professors who are experts in the field.”

  • Ishaaq Shafi, BSc Management – Student Recruitment Office Assistant

How did you find the role? “A friend of mine showed me the job listing for my role in Student Marketing and Recruitment on LSE’s CareerHub platform that all students have access to.”

What was the application process like? “I remember submitting an application and then having an interview. The process was very easy, I enjoyed it!”

What does the role consist of? What duties/opportunities are involved? “Essentially my job as a Student Assistant in the Student Marketing and Recruitment department is to answer any queries that prospective students may have. This can be via email, live chat, zoom webinar or my favourite – campus tours and other in person events!

I love speaking to prospective students, understanding what they’re passionate about and how they envision study at LSE helping them reach their goals.”

How are you finding the role? “I love my work in the SMR department, I really enjoy the friendly environment and office banter that used to surround me when we were working in person. Even virtually, I always have a great time when we interact! The other great thing is that my boss is very accommodating and happy to diversify the types of work she’d like me to do so that I can keep working on new skills and have some variety!”

What skills have you developed? “I’d say the two main areas of growth that I have seen help me away from work in SMR have been my ability to summarise things and my self-confidence.

Starting with the former, when you spend your time communicating to a large volume of people, you start to realise that presenting a tonne of information in one go can be quite overwhelming, so learning how to be concise while retaining as much detail as possible has been key!

Similarly, when you have to send quite a lot of emails you start to realise just how much you normally second guess whether your emails are ready to send, I used to spend way too long making sure everything was exactly how I wanted it to look. Whilst checking is important, one thing I do less now is second guess myself.”

Do you recommend the role? “I’d definitely recommend my job to anyone looking for a fun, flexible job whilst at university. The best thing about LSE jobs is that your team clearly understands that the academic workload you face is constantly changing as terms progress and they are very accommodating in line with this, the peace of mind this brings makes the whole experience so much more enjoyable!”

If you are thinking about a part-time job at LSE, why not check out these opportunities? And there’s loads more available, including:

  • LSE Careers
  • Events Stewarding
  • And more!

Make sure to keep an eye out for opportunities through mediums like

  • LSE Newsletters (offer holder newsletters/ student newsletters/ department newsletters etc.)
  • LSESU Welcome Fair
  • LSE Careers and CareerHub
  • LSE Department social media channels (Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn)

I hope you have found some useful information! You can find more information on part-time LSE roles for LSE students online.

About the author


Posted In: Careers | Student life

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