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March 30th, 2022

A trip to Durham


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


March 30th, 2022

A trip to Durham


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Sometimes, London gets to be a bit too much. The noise, crowd and pollution can be draining and you might crave fresh air and strolls in quaint villages. It can be relaxing to go for a trip out of the city and have a change of scenery. Even watching miles of meadows go by through your train coach’s window can be pretty refreshing in itself.

The UK has a lot to offer in terms of nice places to visit, depending on what you’re looking for. Brighton’s beaches, Oxford’s Harry-Potter-like campus, Yorkshire’s moors or Edinburgh’s castles are only a few examples of UK landscapes to explore.

Personally, I decided to go for a trip to Durham, in the North of the country.

After a 4 hour-long journey from King’s Cross Station (you can book tickets online via LNER website or app and check for a UNIDAYS discount!), I arrived in a picturesque medium-sized town. Two landmarks immediately detached themselves from the scenery: the impressive cathedral and the medieval castle. These two monuments, the cobbled town centre, the stone-made bridges spanning the river and the woods surrounding the town made me feel as if I was immersed in the gothic atmosphere of a Brontë novel.

The cobbled town centre, the stone-made bridges spanning the river and the woods surrounding the town made me feel as if I was immersed in the gothic atmosphere of a Brontë novel.

What to do in Durham:

First, you can’t go to Durham without seeing the Cathedral which proudly overlooks the town from a hill. I also really recommend attending a mass if you have the opportunity. Hearing the choir in this majestic setting is an  extraordinary experience!

The famous cathedral is great first stop in Durham!


Another important landmark is Durham’s castle: an eleventh-century Norman building that will plunge you into medieval times. And if you’re a nature lover, you can have a walk in the woods bordering Durham.  There are plenty of things to see and explore during your time in Durham.

After all the sightseeing, why not indulge yourself with an afternoon tea at Cafedral (yes, British people have a great sense of humour)! Their scones are delicious, and so cheap compared to what you could find in London. What’s more, the staff is lovely and the atmosphere is absolutely quaint (in the most British fashion).

Tea and scones after a day of sightseeing!


Another tip for you to prepare your trip to Durham: remember to pack a warm jumper: it’s colder than London!

And finally, learn from my mistake and avoid white shoes which are going to be ruined by the mud.


About the author


Hi I'm Victoire! I’m a French GO LSE exchange student who likes Victorian literature and classic rock.

Posted In: Study Abroad | Travel

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